Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Little Water Bug!

I am SOOOO very tired. Just a word of advise, don't rearrange your kids room when you have a one month old in the house. I swear if the child messes it up again I'm going in with a trash bag and getting rid of everything that is on the floor. On top of that, I still had laundry, dishes and Jackson and Sierra-Lynn (Mark and I tag teamed the kids).
Holding his own bottle (last week)
That said, I am SOOO proud of Sierra-Lynn. Earlier today, she picked up the funny papers from this weeks paper and started reading them. She asked me for help on the really long words, but she read some of it on her own. I asked her how it felt to be able to read it, and she just beamed. Tomorrow we are going to start working on the solar system (she loves all things science). Should be fun, I'm not all that into science, but Mark is busy right now; inventory prep, bletch. As for my little water bug, I thought that you might like to see a picture of him in the water, his favorite place in the world. (He hates Wal*Mart.)Two more days and I can not only get my ingrown toenail taken care of, but (hopefully) will find out what I did to my foot (8 weeks Monday). I am so sick of being in pain and not having anything help. On the plus side, everything is looking good; from having Jackson. Now my only problem is picking a birth control. I am too scatter brained for anything that has to be taken daily. The one that I thought about using will drive me crazy. It goes in your arm and last for three years, then it must be removed. The draw back, you can feel it. When I get a pimple on my arm, I pick at it constantly, so I know that that would make me nuts. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to them.


Anonymous said...

IUD. Totally. I would be lost without mine. There is no way I could remember to take a pill everyday. And my body and the extra hormones that most birth controls utilize do not get along well. Depending on which one you get it's good for 5 or 10 years. Ask your Dr. about it!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Buffie, its Sara. Just wanted to say that your little boy is so handsome. Barron loves his bath time too. Serria looks so cute, I am proud of her too, sounds like she did an excellent job with reading the newspaper.

Buffie said...
