Friday, April 4, 2008

Welcome Loved Ones!

Welcome to the first post of my private blog, I hope this works better for everyone.

I know that all of you are wanting to know how we are doing. Aside from being tired all of the time (not able to get any sleep), I'm just a little stressed. Mark was going to get up with Jackson this morning, but apparently he got up on the wrong side of the bed and the first thing that he did was yell at Jackson for trying to throw himself out of daddy's arms, along with a spanking. This set Jackson screaming and woke up the whole house.

On top of this, I had to deal with a complete moron yesterday. We went to pick up our pictures and (not only did we have to make an extra trip), but then we had to wait for her to finish stuffing her face (repeatedly) and goof off for more than an hour. Then she was completely rude, and kept interrupting Mark. So I gave the B**** a piece of my mind. She didn't like it. Oh well, not my problem, but I won't be recommending her to any of my friends.

Mark is grumpy, but what else is new. I love him to death, but he needs to work on his attitude, he'd be much happier. He is doing much better at spending time with Sierra-Lynn one on one and she is much happier.

Sierra-Lynn went to the dentist yesterday and she has no cavities (YEAH). She has one heck of a green thumb, you should see the veggies she planted. Her green bean plant is well over a foot tall. She is writing up a storm, but we are looking for a new pen pal, her current one has yet to write back. If interested let me know, K?

Jackson was taken to the doctor yesterday. Don't worry he is fine. He has just been very irritable this past week and had major wax build up in his ears. They cleaned his ears and looked at his gum line, there are several buds, but as of yet no teeth. He is now 14.6 pounds and cuter everyday.

Oh, I almost forgot, he is military crawling. Usually trying to get me while I'm making dinner.


Buffie said...

I will post photos later, hopefully.

Juli said...

I'm in....all is well :)

Buffie said...

Of course you're in, you're one of my best friends and one of the main reasons that I set up this thingy. The others being Becky, Dee Dee and my (not sure what to call him) father.