Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm Cold.

I have never been a big fan of cold weather, but living in this place had made it even worse. I can almost feel the cold air come in through the walls. I could just be imagining it, but I doubt it. I have been in a better mood since last Tuesday, it's amazing how good you can feel, when you feel like your voice counts.

Anyway, Jackson turns 11 months old on Tuesday. When the h*** did that happen? He has finally started using his push behind walker. He is even mastering pushing it with one hand while carrying a toy/water bottle/whatever in the other hand. This morning he even pushed it into the kitchen and was walking around in there. (That is until I told him to get his tiny butt back in the living room.) He started trying to turn around and did fairly well until he hit the carpet and fell to his knees. He is starting to feel better, he still has diarrhea, but not as bad.

School with Sierra-Lynn is going good. She is taking to math very well. A few weeks ago, we started working on subtraction and (I thought that she would confuse it with addition) now we are doing pages that have both addition and subtraction on it and she is doing great. She is still having problems with currency, but then so is the government so I can't fault her too much for it! Seriously, I know that she knows the difference between the different coins but when you ask her how much a dime is worth, she starts at one cent and works her way to the proper amount. Of course she could just be doing it to get a rise out of mommy, and, unfortunately it is working.

God Bless


Anonymous said...

I hate winter...and I could SWEAR I can feel the cold air creeping in the cracks. Almost like it's trying to capture me. BLECH...Why can't it just be fall all the time?

Buffie said...

No, but we could go from Spring to Fall and I would be ok with that.