Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Pictures I Promised

I just wanted to get some photos on here that I have been saying I would post. Starting with Miss Sierra-Lynn in her cheer leading outfit.

Next we have some pictures from Christmas with the in-laws. Aren't they cute? It's just too bad that I couldn't get Sierra-Lynn to take off her coat. :(
After much begging ;) I was able to get Becky to take a pic of Mark, Sierra-Lynn and me. (Hopefully there will be a lot less of me this time next year.)

And for the last of the Christmas photos.
Well, there you have it. I will see you all in the new year.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas with the pains in the Butt! ;)

Okay, I didn't expect last night to go the way that it did. First, Sierra-Lynn was (with the exception of not wanting to take off her coat and stay awhile) extremely well behaved. Hannah, on the other hand got in trouble for knocking her mommy's lamp off of the table. Sierra was also very loving. Normally when we go to Dee Dee and Justin's house, Sierra won't have anything to do with either one of them, last night she was all about the love. She even rode Aunt Becky (or Becky Boo as Sierra calls her) like a horse. I almost got a picture of both Sierra and Hannah on Becky's back, but by the time that I out the camera, Hannah was sitting in front of Aunt Becky and wouldn't get back on her back.
The one low point of the night was Dee Dee getting sick. Every time that food was mentioned, she was in the bathroom throwing up. When we started dinner she complained of a tummy ache and went to lay down, when she came back, boy did she look bad. We are talking death warmed over here. I hope that she starts feeling better.
This year was a little on the weird side though. We were down by 4. It was the first Christmas without my in-laws (Bob and Gloria), and Mike and Zach stayed in Oklahoma. Zach wanted to stay near his girlfriend. After seeing a picture of his girlfriend, I fully understand why Mike stayed to keep an eye on him (better babysit Zach than have to babysit a grand baby). ;)

For anyone who bought a Tickle Me Elmo (or received one) I feel for you. Hannah got one from Aunt Becky and Uncle Mike and is scared of it. While she was playing with it, it hit her foot and she freaked out. Dee Dee had to turn it off and Hannah still wouldn't play with it. Makes you wonder if it is really the kids who want the "hot" new toys or if it is the parents that want them. Thanks to Becky Boo Sierra has now entered to "Barbie" stage. Thanks a lot, I was hoping to have at least one more year without that toothpick bimbo, but Sierra loves the thing. The one that she got came with her very own kitchen (her favorite thing).

Mark got a promotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As of right now, he is the lead associate for the meat department, but sometime in January he should be the meat manager. Not bad for only being with Wal-mart for 1 year. I wonder what he will be this time next year.

I had one more resolution to add,
6. Have a baby. Mark and I decided that we want to have at least 2 kids, but I don't want them to be too far apart in age, so if it doesn't happen by the end of next year Sierra-Lynn will be it.

New Years Resolutions

Yup, its that time of year. The time to say that you will do something knowing that you really won't. Here are mine for 2007.

1) I plan to lose weight. I would like to lose about 5 pounds per month until I get down to 150 pounds or a size 8 which ever one comes first.

2) Get (and keep) my house clean. (This will probably be the first to fall.) Just being honest folks.

3) Spend more time with Sierra-Lynn and Mark doing things as a family. Whether it's playing a board game or going for a drive.

4) Keep in touch with friends (better than I have been)

5) Stop putting myself last (which I did again here). I need to take better care of myself and try to get at the very least 10 minutes of me time a day.

I don't know how well I will do, but I now have them written down and have told someone. I hear that just by doing that I (or anyone else) should have a better success rate. #1 has been at the top of my to do list for the last 4 years (I have only lost 60 pounds in all that time). So we will see just how well I do in 2007. I only hope that it is better for everyone than 2006.

Oh, one more thing before I go. I just found out that one of my best friends, Delaney, is expecting another bundle of joy. She is due on July 10 (that is also Ella (her daughter and Sierra's best friends birthday)). Another friend of mine, Brandy (who lives right here in my neighborhood) is also pregnant with baby number two, hers is expected to make its entrance sometime in June. I also want to congratulate the former manager of Orchard Farm Parc, Tracy, on the arrival of her little girl today. Yes, it is baby central up here. Just last Friday, there were 4 expectant moms at playgroup (none of the above were there).

If I don't see you. Happy New Year.

Going To Kansas City, Kansas City Here I Come

On Uncle David's last day in the great state of misery, sorry Missouri, we made our way from our home to Kansas City. As kind of a belated Christmas present we took him to the cemetery to see his dad's (my granddad's grave). Something that he has not done in almost 14 years, the last time that he was there, we were laying my mom to rest.

The trick was to get in to KC and back out again without running into Grandma Dottie (the witch of the west, as my mom used to say) or my Uncle Carl. He would have told her that we were there and that would have been the end of my Uncle David. Grandma is already upset at him because the doctors in the KC area won't see her because she didn't sign up for part B or part D and she has holes in her ears. Now for those of you who don't know, David currently lives in the greater Knoxville, TN area, and there is really nothing that he can do about the situation, but that doesn't stop her. According to her, everything is his fault. She has issues (365 a year, if not more). ;)

Uncle David left last night, after Sierra went to bed. He couldn't handle being the reason for her tears. He got all of 5 miles away and started crying and almost came back (he didn't want to leave bitty one). Anyway, he is now back in Knoxville thinking very hard about moving back to Missouri. If only something could be done about grandma, she is the one thing that could keep him in Tennessee. He has no family there, he is fed up with his job and he has no prospective girl friend(s). He did tell me to ask if anyone knows someone that would be interested (he wanted me to put one certain photo on here, but I so don't think that will be happening (unless someone requests it)).

We (David and I) were planning on sending this photo to her to let her know that we were there, but gone again. Yes, we may here about it when and if she were to call, but that's the wonderful thing about telephones, if you don't like what the other person has to say, you hang up. It's even better if you have caller ID, then you don't even have to answer if you don't want to talk to a certain person. What do you think? Should we do it?

Christmas Photos

I apologize for the delay in getting these out to you. My computer is being a pain, my uncle was visiting and we took a road trip yesterday. Tonight we have dinner and presents at my sis-in-law's house, complete with presents. Should be interesting? Just kidding Dee Dee.

This is how Sierra-Lynn responded to Uncle David (as soon as she heard his voice). I have never seen her take to someone so quickly.

Sierra-Lynn opening her brand new Cabbage Patch Kid. Its one with the color changing hair. She thinks that it is the coolest. Her name is Valerie Chole and she was born on Nov. 1, just like Sierra-Lynn. Yes, I am aware that the name is a little wacked, but I didn't chose it, the people at the cabbage patch did. Sierra would have chosen Cocoa (all her babies have that name).

Here is me with Uncle David shortly after he arrived. I didn't realize how much I missed him until he showed up.

And lastly we have Mark and Sierra-Lynn opening the batteries that go with their remote controlled trucks. Sierra loves hers, but is scared of Mark's. Probably because he keeps trying to run her over with it, that and it is loud (exspecially on the kitchen floor).

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas

Well, another Christmas has come and gone, but the most amazing thing has happened. Sierra-Lynn has been happy. Not once in the last 3 days has she brought up Papa. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but she's not crying, she's all smiles. I know that it is because of her Great Uncle David, but I so don't care. I just wonder what she is going to do when he goes home.

Oh well, best not to think about that now. It's best just to enjoy the here and now and not think too much about what might happen or what might have been. You just leave yourself open for a lot of stress that you don't need.

Anyway, Sierra-Lynn made out like a bandit. She got a nap mat with match pillow, a apron, a pink dress, a white denim jacket with matching pants, a Christmas CD, a V-smile game (Little Mermaid), a Cabbage Patch doll, a bunch of stuff for her kitchen center and some movies from her daddy and me. Santa brought her a Backyardigans Bathtub Boat. She was also surprised with a visit from another jolly fat man, Uncle David. He brought her and her daddy remote controlled trucks and "The Fox and the Hound 2". If you have not seen it, it is a very cute movie. Reba voices a spunky red head dog named Dixie.

Hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas and I'll be back later (have to do the photos then).

Thursday, December 21, 2006

4 Days And Counting

With our Christmas shopping complete (with the exception of bed pants that I have to finish for Mark), I can honestly say that I will be glad when Monday gets here. I may just get an extra special gift this year. My Uncle David, who took me into his home when no one else wanted to do anything for me, just may arrive at my door on Christmas morning. Isn't that the best?

I haven't seen him for about 6 years (maybe more), but he has always been my favorite uncle. Of course that is probably because he is the only person in my family that truly cares about me, but I am so tired of dwelling on the negative side of my family that I am just going to leave that alone. He lives all the way in Knoxville, TN, so it is quite the trip. I do hope that he can make it up. If not, a coworker of his is going to play mailman and bring our presents up for him. Maybe I can get him to take Unkie Daisy's gifts back with him. No, that is not misspelled, that is what I used to call him when I was little.

Did you know that if he does make it up, he will be the first member of my side of the family (extended) that has seen Sierra-Lynn. Even her grandpa hasn't done that. She has met one of my three sisters, my brother and four of the seven cousins, but they are still closer than a great uncle. I think? I know, a dangerous habit, I can't help it.

I know that it is a little late, but I wanted to mention a trip that we took last week. After weeks of listening to "Mom, I want to play with Hannah!!!!!!!!!!". I was finally able to talk Mark into making the 30 minute drive to her house. Sierra had the time of her life. Her and her cousin and a little girl that Dee Dee babysits played for almost 2 hours. I took several pictures, but I forgot to ask if it would be okay to put Hannah on here so, until I do, no pics of that. Sorry.

If I don't post again until after, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Look for my resolutions in a future post.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Will this week never end? Yes, I know that it only Tuesday, but I just want this week over. I hasn't been anything like two weeks ago when the truck was in the shop, but my marriage might be in danger.

You see, the thing is, Mark does not know how to communicate. He would rather keep everything inside, and then blow up at me for no reason. Take last night for an example. My Uncle David called. I have not seen him in around 6 years, and he has been trying to be there for us (Mark, Sierra-Lynn and myself) ever since my father in law passed away (which is more than my "father" has done). Well every time that he calls Mark gets all upset and sulks in the other room. Last night, I decided that I had had enough and I called him on his BS. At first he said that his 'tude was because of the calls interfering in "family time".

This, just so you know is utter crap. I let him know that, and then told him that I would be sleeping on the couch. This is when Mark finally decides to tell the truth. He has been bitten by the green eyed monster. He has been missing his dad, but he didn't want to upset me be telling me. How dense can the man be? It upset me that instead of talking to me, he shuts me out and then trys to take one of the few family members that I have away from me. I would never do that to him.

Then, I get Christmas card and letter from my Aunt Carolyn. The basic gist of it was that I am a bad mom and that I should have never been born, because it was a mistake for my mom and dad to get married. The nerve of her. That woman has a lot to learn about .........everything. The reason that I am a bad mom; my little one is still upset about the death of her beloved Papa. According to her, young children are selfish and self-centered. So when someone dies, they may cry for a day or two, but then they think about themselves and stop being upset. Do you know a child like this? I don't. Whenever Sierra-Lynn sees a person that is hurting, she starts to hurt. She is one of the most loving children ever. The bond that she had with her Papa was closer than the bond that she has with me, they were inseparable for the first three and a half years of her life. So there Aunt Carolyn.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Cookies Anyone

Today was spent making cookies and candies. Baking is now and has always been one of mine and Sierra-Lynn's favorite pastimes. So, needless to say we had an excellent mother/daughter day. We did a lot of baking before she was born. That was before I learned that just because I make something doesn't mean that I have to eat all of it. Perhaps that's why I gained 150 pounds while I was pregnant?
We made 4 dozen chunky oatmeal cookies, 4 dozen ultimate chocolate chip cookies, 15+ dozen cookie dough truffles (6 dozen with mini cherry chips and 7+ dozen with mini chocolate chips) which I still have to coat with chocolate and butterscotch, and finally 3 lbs of chocolate peanut squares (they are like square peanut butter cups).
This is only the start of our holiday baking. Tomorrow we are going to make sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies (Sierra's fav). Then, on Monday we will be making hint-of-berry bonbons, pecan sandies and walnut baklava. We would have done all of this today, but couldn't for 2 reasons: 1) we need nilla wafers and a lot of nuts (for the bonbons, pecan sandies and walnut baklava) 2) my feet (and everything else) are killing me. Of course that is to be expected when you spend 6 hours straight making any kind of food. Oh, did I mention that I was barefoot?
I know what you are thinking. And yes, 1 of my new year's resolutions is to lose weight (I'm thinking 5 pounds per month sounds good). It gives me a real goal, not some random goal that is unreachable because its not clear. And no, all of this is not for us. I like my sweets as much as the next person, but that much sugar would put anyone in a coma. Some of the goodies will go to our friends and neighbors, you know spread some holiday cheer.
Til next time.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I am truly at my wits end. Either that or I am the worlds worst mommy. Sierra-Lynn is hurting and I can't do anything to make it better.

Alright, let me start at the beginning. When she woke up this morning, she was bawling. She then tells me that she doesn't want to celebrate Christmas, EVER. So, like any good mom would do, I asked her why. That only set off more tears.

After holding her for at least 15 minutes (most of which she spends trying to get away from me), she finally tells me why she doesn't want to have Christmas. It is because Papa is not here, she doesn't want to do it without him. Bless her little heart. Anyway, after she tells me this, she looks up at the ceiling and yells (I swear as loud as she can) "I hate Papa."

I know that she doesn't. I know that she is just upset. What I don't know (and feel that I need to) is how to make her be okay with him being gone. I don't know how to make her see that he didn't want to die. I don't want her to hurt anymore, and I don't know how to keep it from happening. So, like I said, I must be the worlds worst mommy. Mommys are supposed to know these things, aren't they?

So, please, if you know how to help, leave a comment, email, call, write, or hell send up a smoke signal. Yes, yes, I know, I'm supposed to be watching what I say (or in this case write), sorry it happens.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Well Then

First things first, the truck is back. Whether or not it is going to work right, I can't say. But it is back.

Ok, enough about that. I have finally finished Sierra-Lynn's Christmas dress. Although I may have to make her a different one. I made the fatal mistake of letting a 4 year old pick out the fabric. The one that she chose is very beautiful, but very fragile. Just laying on my sewing table, the bodice and the skirt started to separate. Here are a couple shots of her in it. Gorgeous, isn't it?

In an earlier posting, I had mentioned that I made Sierra-Lynn a cheer leader outfit. I finally got a photo of her wearing it. It will be the first and last photo shoot in it (the spanky pants are too tight for her to wear again). Oh well, stuff happens. Stay tuned for the pics (it's not happening tonight, it takes too long to download pictures).

I have made a decision. Do you want to know what it was? That's irrelevant isn't it? My decision is; I'm going to be a better person. You may wonder exactly what I mean by this. Well here it is. I'm going to read the Bible, I have tried many times and have not made it through. I now have a new approach, I'm starting with the new testament. A friend said that that is the easiest way to get through it, I figure it is worth a shot. I am also going to clean up my language. I know that it will be hard, but I don't want Sierra-Lynn going to Preschool next fall and getting kicked out for having a potty mouth. I have done some serious soul searching and I know that if I really try then I can succeed. I have had no problems cutting potty words from my vocabulary when I am at Brandy's house (she's the friend mentioned above), so I should be able to do it at home. Right?

Well we will see what happens.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Ba Humbug

Let me just say that this week has been one of the worst in my life (and believe me there have been some bad ones).

We will start with our lovely ice storm that came in last Thursday, causing Mark to miss a day of work (Saturday). Moving on to Monday, Mark gets to work, only to find that he has no brakes. The brake line ruptured (that was $130 to fix). We get the truck back the same day, which was about the only bright spot. It seems to work fine, so we go about life as usual.

On Tuesday, we run some errands and pay some bills when Mark gets home from work. Everything is fine.............. until we go to the bank/grocery store (they are in the same parking lot). After taking care of our banking and picking up milk (and other things), we pile into the truck. Only problem, it won't start. I go in to get someone to give us a jump. Guess what, it doesn't work. Again we call a tow truck. Another $210 and 2 days later, we have the truck back with a guarantee that it will work with no problems. Sure.

It is now Friday, and once again we were left stranded at a store, this time Walmart. The stupid thing died when we pulled into the parking lot and refused to start, there was no fuel getting to the engine. So, it is once again in the shop, this time getting a new fuel pump. This time the price tag is well over $400. I swear I would love nothing better than to blow that thing sky high.

We got a visit from Lynne Axley, Sierra-Lynn's parent educator (PAT). They held their annual Winter Celebration (a.k.a. Santa Night) on the 6th. Considering the fact that we didn't have a car, Sierra didn't get to go. Do you know how hard it was to hear her cry because she wasn't going to get to see Santa? ;(

Hopefully next week will be better.

Monday, December 4, 2006

My Model

I don't know what it is about Sierra-Lynn, but when she sees you with a camera (still) she immediately starts posing. Through out this post you will see several pictures of her "striking a pose" as daddy puts it. I don't know that I would want her to actually be a model, but as long as her clothes stay on and she has a good head on her shoulders, then I guess that would be fine. I want her to follow her dreams, not mine. Now if I can just remember that when she gets older, I hope so.

Speaking of daddy, you did the sweetest thing today. Her read her a book. Now, I know what you are thinking, that's not a big deal. It is for him, he is a slow reader, and doesn't like to read out loud, although he has been getting better at it. This was the third book that he has read her this week. So its a really big thing for him and for her, she looks up to him so much.

Anyway, the video camera is a completely different story, bring that out and she clams up. Although, yesterday I did get her doing a cheer. We found this adorable cheerleader doll that says five cheers (no, we didn't buy it, Christmas is right around the corner). One of the cheers goes as follows : We're number one, we can't be number two, we're gonna beat the whoopsies out of you, the whoopsies out of you.

She now has this cheer down pat. She even performed it for the camera, now if I just had a cable to connect my camcorder to the computer so that you could see it too. Oh, well. She also knows several of the cheers from the "Bring It On" movies (well the first and last, the second one sucked). Her Aunt Dee Dee will hate it, she doesn't care for cheerleaders (thinks that they are stuck up).

Last year I was talked into making her her very own cheer leading outfit. Its green, purple and white with the word P-jink embroidered on the front of the top. Its cute. Not that I have a photo of her in it and I can't get her to wear it again (no pom poms), maybe I'll just take a photo of it.

Today was spent holding my little angel. She is feeling even worse today than she was yesterday. We are talking full on runny nose, sneezing and hurting all over. I guess that's what she gets for not knowing when to come in out of the cold. There is nothing worse than when she is sick either. She is so pathetic looking, and the tears don't stop. I did take some photos of Sierra-Lynn laying on the couch, but this thing is giving me trouble downloading (last night it took 55 minutes to down load 4 pictures and another 15 to get them placed right).

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Easy Baking

What possessed me to let Mark talk me into letting Sierra-Lynn have an Easy Bake Oven is besides me, but it sure was fun to watch her make cookies with it. Now she wants a Real Meal Oven. They can make an entire meal from appetizer to dessert. What will they come up with next? Here are the photos to prove it.
When we got up this morning (her at 9 am), we had plans to have breakfast and then have a mother/daughter baking day. That didn't quite happen. What did happen was, we took (meaning I) the oven out of its box and proceeded to read the directions. That's what every good mommy does, isn't it? Anyway, everything was fine until I read that we needed a 100 watt light bulb. Sure, because I have scads of those floating around the house. We just replaced all of our regular bulbs with the newer energy saving bulbs (13 watt usage, 60 watts of light). They save us so much $$$, I love them.
Back to the baking, no bulb no baking. That simple. But for those of you with a 3 to 5 year old, you know that when you say that you are going to do something, you find away to make sure that it happens. Well, Mark was at work (and me without a licence or car) had no way to get the much needed equipment had to distract her with some computer time. Yes, I know, outside would have been better, but she has a slight case of the sniffles, so that was not an option.

Mark, due to the roads, didn't come home for lunch. He did call to say hi (Sierra cried). I told him my dilemma and he assured me that by 3:30 pm she would be baking to her little hearts content. Yeah, another meltdown diverted. God bless good daddys. True to his word, when he got home, the light bulbs came with him. She had so much fun. And yes, I made her do everything herself, with the exception of pushing the pan all the way through the oven, that I did. No sense in letting her get burnt again is there?
She mixed the batter, then rolled it into 6 little balls (I separated it for her so that they would be equal in size). She then put them into the tiny pans and pushed then flat. I even let her put the pans into the oven, I then pushed them all the way into to it so that they could bake. Those little light bulbs work better than they used to when I was a kid. Sigh. After they were done baking she took some lavender candy melts that we had put in the warming area and iced the cookies. Scooby sprinkles were added to the tops and the cookies were done. Aren't they cute? Tomorrow, maybe we will make a tiny two layer yellow cake with chocolate icing (the other mixes that came with it).

Days like today, are ones that every mother wishes she could have with her child. I wish that I could have more, but only when she is under the weather is she a sweet little girl that wants to do something with mommy. Any other time she is loud and won't sit down. It makes me wonder why I taught her how to walk and talk. Just kidding. I love hearing her voice, I just wish that she wouldn't repeat herself a thousand times. Cause there is only so many times that you can hear "introduce yourself" in a row before you just want to pull your hair out. For those of you who have yet to see it, that line comes from Bring It On All: Or Nothing. I have seen that movie more times than I can count and have grounded Sierra from it until sometime next year. That's what she gets for saying shabooya all the time.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Snow Day

The snow has finally arrived. We got about 8 inches, some places were much deeper (darn snow drifts). I thought that I would share with you some of the photos taken while enjoying all the wonders that mother nature had to offer us today. I had promised to throw a snowball or two at Mark for my friend Juli, and true to my word I did (he threw a few at me for her as well). Mark thought that it would be fun to shovel the street. Yep, that's a man for you, always finding new and exciting ways to make life difficult.

I am finding it sad that he has to go back to work tomorrow, I love spending time with him on his days off. He is so much more relaxed than on the days that he works. On those days he comes home in a funk, and is absolutely no fun to be around. He has been such a sweet heart today, cleaned the kitchen after he made breakfast, did the laundry and has gotten me everything that he thought I wanted. Who could ask for more? Not this Chick. I did however do something for him last night (but that's all the info that you get on that). As much as I complain about things that he does, I wouldn't change him even the slightest, I love him for him.

Today, after the frostbite faded, we had family movie day (we are not quite through). My pick was "Secret Santa" starring Jennie Garth and then Sierra chose Disney's "Ice Princess". She loves to watch figure skating, I can't wait to take her. Maybe after the first of the year we will go to the Rec Plex. After a little skating we can enjoy my favorite past time; swimming. We only got the chance to go once this summer to the local pool and Mark stayed home, it wasn't nearly as much fun without him. I'm experiencing with drawls. How sad is that? ;) Mark has yet to pick one. I'll let you know what his choice was tomorrow. This makes two family movie days in a row, I love it.

I can't remember when the last time was that I heard from my father, but after reading my horoscope yesterday I can't think of one good reason to bother anymore. It said something along the lines of "time is too short to waste any of it on petty things". Now I am not saying that he is a petty thing, but trying to have a relationship with someone that has no interest in having one with you is pretty stupid (in my opinion). I wish that he could be a part of my life, not for me, but for Sierra-Lynn. He is her only living grandparent, and I feel that she is being short changed because he can't even find the time to send her an email or call her on the phone. What can I do though, you can't make someone care can you? A friend and neighbor (Brandy) thinks that the reason that he keeps his distance is because he feels guilty for not being there for me when I was a child. Maybe she is right, but at this point I don't care.

I just have to show you this. Its a photo of a photo (ok, two photos). One is Sierra-Lynn's birthday picture from last year and the other is me when I was three. Can you tell who is who? I have had some people tell me that they can't. Here's a hint if it stumps you, Sierra has curls (at least she did until it got long). Can you tell that I love my new camera? I can post a photo as soon as I take it. I would have put up one of me, but Mark only took one of me (from the back) and I deemed it unworthy of being blogged, though he may have a different opinion.

Tonight I leave you with a word of caution. Should you chose to search the blogs you may (as I did) come across some with dirty pictures. Not good when you have a 4 year old looking over your shoulder. That and beware of the kitchen knives, they are on the attack. Mine tried to cut off my finger. Ow.