Friday, December 1, 2006

Snow Day

The snow has finally arrived. We got about 8 inches, some places were much deeper (darn snow drifts). I thought that I would share with you some of the photos taken while enjoying all the wonders that mother nature had to offer us today. I had promised to throw a snowball or two at Mark for my friend Juli, and true to my word I did (he threw a few at me for her as well). Mark thought that it would be fun to shovel the street. Yep, that's a man for you, always finding new and exciting ways to make life difficult.

I am finding it sad that he has to go back to work tomorrow, I love spending time with him on his days off. He is so much more relaxed than on the days that he works. On those days he comes home in a funk, and is absolutely no fun to be around. He has been such a sweet heart today, cleaned the kitchen after he made breakfast, did the laundry and has gotten me everything that he thought I wanted. Who could ask for more? Not this Chick. I did however do something for him last night (but that's all the info that you get on that). As much as I complain about things that he does, I wouldn't change him even the slightest, I love him for him.

Today, after the frostbite faded, we had family movie day (we are not quite through). My pick was "Secret Santa" starring Jennie Garth and then Sierra chose Disney's "Ice Princess". She loves to watch figure skating, I can't wait to take her. Maybe after the first of the year we will go to the Rec Plex. After a little skating we can enjoy my favorite past time; swimming. We only got the chance to go once this summer to the local pool and Mark stayed home, it wasn't nearly as much fun without him. I'm experiencing with drawls. How sad is that? ;) Mark has yet to pick one. I'll let you know what his choice was tomorrow. This makes two family movie days in a row, I love it.

I can't remember when the last time was that I heard from my father, but after reading my horoscope yesterday I can't think of one good reason to bother anymore. It said something along the lines of "time is too short to waste any of it on petty things". Now I am not saying that he is a petty thing, but trying to have a relationship with someone that has no interest in having one with you is pretty stupid (in my opinion). I wish that he could be a part of my life, not for me, but for Sierra-Lynn. He is her only living grandparent, and I feel that she is being short changed because he can't even find the time to send her an email or call her on the phone. What can I do though, you can't make someone care can you? A friend and neighbor (Brandy) thinks that the reason that he keeps his distance is because he feels guilty for not being there for me when I was a child. Maybe she is right, but at this point I don't care.

I just have to show you this. Its a photo of a photo (ok, two photos). One is Sierra-Lynn's birthday picture from last year and the other is me when I was three. Can you tell who is who? I have had some people tell me that they can't. Here's a hint if it stumps you, Sierra has curls (at least she did until it got long). Can you tell that I love my new camera? I can post a photo as soon as I take it. I would have put up one of me, but Mark only took one of me (from the back) and I deemed it unworthy of being blogged, though he may have a different opinion.

Tonight I leave you with a word of caution. Should you chose to search the blogs you may (as I did) come across some with dirty pictures. Not good when you have a 4 year old looking over your shoulder. That and beware of the kitchen knives, they are on the attack. Mine tried to cut off my finger. Ow.

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