Sunday, December 3, 2006

Easy Baking

What possessed me to let Mark talk me into letting Sierra-Lynn have an Easy Bake Oven is besides me, but it sure was fun to watch her make cookies with it. Now she wants a Real Meal Oven. They can make an entire meal from appetizer to dessert. What will they come up with next? Here are the photos to prove it.
When we got up this morning (her at 9 am), we had plans to have breakfast and then have a mother/daughter baking day. That didn't quite happen. What did happen was, we took (meaning I) the oven out of its box and proceeded to read the directions. That's what every good mommy does, isn't it? Anyway, everything was fine until I read that we needed a 100 watt light bulb. Sure, because I have scads of those floating around the house. We just replaced all of our regular bulbs with the newer energy saving bulbs (13 watt usage, 60 watts of light). They save us so much $$$, I love them.
Back to the baking, no bulb no baking. That simple. But for those of you with a 3 to 5 year old, you know that when you say that you are going to do something, you find away to make sure that it happens. Well, Mark was at work (and me without a licence or car) had no way to get the much needed equipment had to distract her with some computer time. Yes, I know, outside would have been better, but she has a slight case of the sniffles, so that was not an option.

Mark, due to the roads, didn't come home for lunch. He did call to say hi (Sierra cried). I told him my dilemma and he assured me that by 3:30 pm she would be baking to her little hearts content. Yeah, another meltdown diverted. God bless good daddys. True to his word, when he got home, the light bulbs came with him. She had so much fun. And yes, I made her do everything herself, with the exception of pushing the pan all the way through the oven, that I did. No sense in letting her get burnt again is there?
She mixed the batter, then rolled it into 6 little balls (I separated it for her so that they would be equal in size). She then put them into the tiny pans and pushed then flat. I even let her put the pans into the oven, I then pushed them all the way into to it so that they could bake. Those little light bulbs work better than they used to when I was a kid. Sigh. After they were done baking she took some lavender candy melts that we had put in the warming area and iced the cookies. Scooby sprinkles were added to the tops and the cookies were done. Aren't they cute? Tomorrow, maybe we will make a tiny two layer yellow cake with chocolate icing (the other mixes that came with it).

Days like today, are ones that every mother wishes she could have with her child. I wish that I could have more, but only when she is under the weather is she a sweet little girl that wants to do something with mommy. Any other time she is loud and won't sit down. It makes me wonder why I taught her how to walk and talk. Just kidding. I love hearing her voice, I just wish that she wouldn't repeat herself a thousand times. Cause there is only so many times that you can hear "introduce yourself" in a row before you just want to pull your hair out. For those of you who have yet to see it, that line comes from Bring It On All: Or Nothing. I have seen that movie more times than I can count and have grounded Sierra from it until sometime next year. That's what she gets for saying shabooya all the time.

1 comment:

Juli said...

Sierra--your cookies look yummy!!!
