Monday, December 4, 2006

My Model

I don't know what it is about Sierra-Lynn, but when she sees you with a camera (still) she immediately starts posing. Through out this post you will see several pictures of her "striking a pose" as daddy puts it. I don't know that I would want her to actually be a model, but as long as her clothes stay on and she has a good head on her shoulders, then I guess that would be fine. I want her to follow her dreams, not mine. Now if I can just remember that when she gets older, I hope so.

Speaking of daddy, you did the sweetest thing today. Her read her a book. Now, I know what you are thinking, that's not a big deal. It is for him, he is a slow reader, and doesn't like to read out loud, although he has been getting better at it. This was the third book that he has read her this week. So its a really big thing for him and for her, she looks up to him so much.

Anyway, the video camera is a completely different story, bring that out and she clams up. Although, yesterday I did get her doing a cheer. We found this adorable cheerleader doll that says five cheers (no, we didn't buy it, Christmas is right around the corner). One of the cheers goes as follows : We're number one, we can't be number two, we're gonna beat the whoopsies out of you, the whoopsies out of you.

She now has this cheer down pat. She even performed it for the camera, now if I just had a cable to connect my camcorder to the computer so that you could see it too. Oh, well. She also knows several of the cheers from the "Bring It On" movies (well the first and last, the second one sucked). Her Aunt Dee Dee will hate it, she doesn't care for cheerleaders (thinks that they are stuck up).

Last year I was talked into making her her very own cheer leading outfit. Its green, purple and white with the word P-jink embroidered on the front of the top. Its cute. Not that I have a photo of her in it and I can't get her to wear it again (no pom poms), maybe I'll just take a photo of it.

Today was spent holding my little angel. She is feeling even worse today than she was yesterday. We are talking full on runny nose, sneezing and hurting all over. I guess that's what she gets for not knowing when to come in out of the cold. There is nothing worse than when she is sick either. She is so pathetic looking, and the tears don't stop. I did take some photos of Sierra-Lynn laying on the couch, but this thing is giving me trouble downloading (last night it took 55 minutes to down load 4 pictures and another 15 to get them placed right).

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