Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Color Me Stupid

I feel like a complete nincompoop. After Christmas, Wal-Mart had this batting stuff (in the seasonal area) clearanced, which I thought was a great deal. And it would have been, IF it was the size that both Mark and I thought it was (15 feet by 10 feet). It is 15 feet by 10 inches. So here I am with 4 packages of 15" by 10' batting that will only work for small projects, and no way to finish mine and Mark's new comforter by the end of January (a.k.a. tonight). I guess that is what I get for trying to save a couple dollars. Oh well, I can use it for stockings. I was asked to make 6 for the family for this year's Christmas (Dee Dee & Justin (I made Hannah's last year), along with ones for Rebecca, Mike, Zach & Shawn (they are just finishing their new house and Becky wants all new Christmas stuff for it)). Then there is the tree skirt that I need to make for us next year. So it won't go to waste.
Sierra-Lynn is saying good-bye to another friend, Lexi Morgan (her and her mom Paula are pictured left). Paula lost her job a while back and was able to get another, but they are still moving back in with Paula's ex (Lexi's dad). Talk about confusing the child, but who am I to judge, I am far from perfect and until I can make that claim (which will be never) I will just let it go. They will be missed. Paula has said that she wants the girls (and us) to stay in touch and would like to have us (not Mark) over, but I don't have the number where they are now, so I'm not real clear has to how that will work. I hope that things in there lives go the way that they want them to and that they receive all of the happiness that they deserve.I just received an e-mail from my sister-in-law Dee Dee that Hannah is sick again. The poor baby won't be two until the end of April and in the last 6 months she has been sick more times than I can count. Dee Dee thought that she had the stomach flu, but then her eyes matted shut and blisters formed under them. After a trip to the doctor, the diagnosis is a very BAD double ear infection that also turned into an eye infection. According to Dee Dee she looks like a burn victim. IF we get the okay, we are going to go see her tomorrow. I hate when little kids are sick, it just breaks my heart.

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