Thursday, April 5, 2007

Adventures In Babysitting

Well, I am on day three of my new found adventures. I have taken on the job of babysitting 2 little boys. One of them is 8 months old and as cute as can be, the other is almost 3 and has apparently never been talked to, because when he talks you can't understand him and he doesn't understand what anyone says to him. On the plus side, he is potty trained. That is an adventure ALL by itself.
The first time that I took him to the bathroom, it went all over the floor. I had him sit on the toilet and before I could do anything he was already going and I found myself with a mess to clean up. It sounds funny (now), but at the time I was not amused.
Sierra loves having the boys here, it gives her someone to play with and she spends a lot less time crying. I, on the other hand am exhausted.
This is not the first time that I have watched these boys, the first time was October of last year (it didn't end well, but I'm giving their mom a second chance). Needless to say I'm not sure how long they will be here. Today is supposed to be payday and the mom is already trying to weasel her way out of paying me the amount that she owes me. I have even given her a reduced rate ($125 a week for 2 kids), and she has started lying already. What lie you ask? The one about still owing money to her last sitter. Her mom watched the boys and didn't charge her anything.
Its not like she owes me a huge amount, its only $50 for two days. Was I wrong to take them back? Probably, but I wanted to put my degree to good use and be able to bring in some extra money. Oh well.
On a happier note, we turn our attention back to a favorite topic in the Bennett household, wrestling. Monday night WWE fans found themselves with new tag team champions. Shawn Michaels (HBK) and John Cena found themselves in not one, but two 10 team (20 man) battle royals for the tag team championship belts. They made it through the first, but during the second HBK tossed John Cena over the rope, eliminating their team. The new champs, the Hardys, the best tag team (in my opinion). When I first started watching WWF, they were my favorites and still are. Jeff can be a little on the "out there" side, but they more than make up for that with their high flying antics and the chemistry that they have. That and Matt is a sweetie. If only I wasn't married. ;) (Take that Mark). I love you honey.

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