Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Nerve Of Some People

I know that I should practice what I preach, but come on. Just who does this stupid Archbishop think he is? First, he wants everyone to boycott the Bob Costas fund benefit for the children in Cardinal Glennon Hospital that have CANCER because he disagrees with a performers beliefs. Now the dimwit is telling people not to support the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure, because they have gotten money from planned parenthood and they support stem cell research. Big Deal, most Missourians do too. What's next tell Catholics to boycott the state of Missouri? If I was suffering from BREAST CANCER, I would not care where the money came from. It could come from an atheist for all I care, as long as they were willing to help me in my hour of need (or my child's for that matter)!
I was taught (at Stoney Point Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN) that those who are free from sin should cast the first stone, and my mom always used to say that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Now you can't tell me that this man is without sin, the Bible says that all of us have sinned, everyone. That would include an Archbishop, wouldn't it? And I'm sorry, but no member of the clergy (Catholic that is) should be calling anyone morally evil, just look at what they have done to innocent children. (Every priest in the St. Louis area is on the convected sex offenders list.) So, how can he bad mouth anyone?
I am not saying that I am perfect, hell, I'm far from it. I use foul language more than I should, I can be lazy at times and don't exercise like I should. I sometimes think bad thoughts towards my neighbor (if you knew her you would understand), I have had impure thoughts about men that are not my husband and I voted to pass amendment 2 (the stem cell thingy, they were still going to allow what is currently allowed by law and then allow the state to do any new procedures that the US government deemed legal). I would rather have made it where you could only use cells that were received after a child is born (or adult stem cells), but that wasn't how the thing read. So, I guess that Archbishop Burke wouldn't like me either, but you know what? I don't rightly give a flying fig what that man thinks of me. I do, however think that before he looks outside he needs to take care of his own house. For those of you that don't know what that means here it is: he should clean up the Catholic Church, before he worries about the outside world.

In brighter much happier news, my sister-in-law Diana (Dee Dee to those near and dear to her) is in the clear. They ran the tests and found out that the lumps were just cysts, not cancer. That, in my book, is GREAT news. I know how hard it is to deal with breast cancer, and I'm glad that this family doesn't have to go through that (after everything else that we have been through the last few years). Love you Dee Dee. Can I call you sis?

Know you know my thoughts, what are yours?


Anonymous said...

YAY. DeeDee we Bradshaw's have been praying for you...I am so happy for the good news. Buff, I DO NOT agree with the archbishop. Actually he makes me sick. YECH

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

grrr...stupid thing won't let me leave a comment. If it works this time....Sure ya' can.

Buffie said...

I have it set where I read them (the comments) before they are posted. It's much easier than scanning the whole blog for them. Sorry.