Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter

As promised here are some photos of Miss Sierra-Lynn in her lovely Easter dress. The day that we got it, she refused to take it off, which I thought was cute. A big thanks to Aunt Becky for the dress.

Mark was still home this morning when she got up (which is not normal) and she went running towards him at full speed completely missing her Easter basket. When she did FINALLY see her basket, her eyes got huge. She got a Bella Dancerella cheerleader set as well as a blue bunny, a coloring book, some candy (of course), and a gift certificate for a brand new outfit (made by mom). I hope that she doesn't cash it in right now (my hands are killing me). Any who, as Mark was leaving, he called us to the door to look at something; there in the yard was our very own Easter Bunny. No, not the real one, but an actual bunny. Sierra's mouth hit the floor, I know that she will always believe in the Easter Bunny (which is fine by me).

When Mark gets home we are going to have the egg hunt (with more photos). She has been looking forward to this all week. We were going to go to the one that the city held last week, but it rained so we didn't. She was a little upset, but then became a lot upset when she saw pictures from it in the paper (she wanted to be in the paper). Kids...

Any way, I did something really stupid today. I was getting ready to workout on my Gazelle and realized that it was to close to the recliner, so I went to move it (without fully closing it). Needless to say it slammed shut, on my hand. My right hand was already bothering me (I pulled a muscle in it getting the garden ready. Now its my left hand. I have a huge knot on it about 1/2 inch away from the wrist. There is also a scrape and dent in the top of it where a sharp corner on the Gazelle went into it. Doing dishes was quite interesting, to even lift a plate brought tears to my eyes. And yes, I know that I am an accident waiting for a place to happen.

I hope that everyone has a very HAPPY EASTER, and we will see you soon!!!!!!!!!

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