Thursday, December 21, 2006

4 Days And Counting

With our Christmas shopping complete (with the exception of bed pants that I have to finish for Mark), I can honestly say that I will be glad when Monday gets here. I may just get an extra special gift this year. My Uncle David, who took me into his home when no one else wanted to do anything for me, just may arrive at my door on Christmas morning. Isn't that the best?

I haven't seen him for about 6 years (maybe more), but he has always been my favorite uncle. Of course that is probably because he is the only person in my family that truly cares about me, but I am so tired of dwelling on the negative side of my family that I am just going to leave that alone. He lives all the way in Knoxville, TN, so it is quite the trip. I do hope that he can make it up. If not, a coworker of his is going to play mailman and bring our presents up for him. Maybe I can get him to take Unkie Daisy's gifts back with him. No, that is not misspelled, that is what I used to call him when I was little.

Did you know that if he does make it up, he will be the first member of my side of the family (extended) that has seen Sierra-Lynn. Even her grandpa hasn't done that. She has met one of my three sisters, my brother and four of the seven cousins, but they are still closer than a great uncle. I think? I know, a dangerous habit, I can't help it.

I know that it is a little late, but I wanted to mention a trip that we took last week. After weeks of listening to "Mom, I want to play with Hannah!!!!!!!!!!". I was finally able to talk Mark into making the 30 minute drive to her house. Sierra had the time of her life. Her and her cousin and a little girl that Dee Dee babysits played for almost 2 hours. I took several pictures, but I forgot to ask if it would be okay to put Hannah on here so, until I do, no pics of that. Sorry.

If I don't post again until after, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Look for my resolutions in a future post.

1 comment:

Juli said...

Merry Christmas to you too---OH I hope, I hope your uncle makes it too--what a wonderful present that will be!!!

Lots of love!