Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas with the pains in the Butt! ;)

Okay, I didn't expect last night to go the way that it did. First, Sierra-Lynn was (with the exception of not wanting to take off her coat and stay awhile) extremely well behaved. Hannah, on the other hand got in trouble for knocking her mommy's lamp off of the table. Sierra was also very loving. Normally when we go to Dee Dee and Justin's house, Sierra won't have anything to do with either one of them, last night she was all about the love. She even rode Aunt Becky (or Becky Boo as Sierra calls her) like a horse. I almost got a picture of both Sierra and Hannah on Becky's back, but by the time that I out the camera, Hannah was sitting in front of Aunt Becky and wouldn't get back on her back.
The one low point of the night was Dee Dee getting sick. Every time that food was mentioned, she was in the bathroom throwing up. When we started dinner she complained of a tummy ache and went to lay down, when she came back, boy did she look bad. We are talking death warmed over here. I hope that she starts feeling better.
This year was a little on the weird side though. We were down by 4. It was the first Christmas without my in-laws (Bob and Gloria), and Mike and Zach stayed in Oklahoma. Zach wanted to stay near his girlfriend. After seeing a picture of his girlfriend, I fully understand why Mike stayed to keep an eye on him (better babysit Zach than have to babysit a grand baby). ;)

For anyone who bought a Tickle Me Elmo (or received one) I feel for you. Hannah got one from Aunt Becky and Uncle Mike and is scared of it. While she was playing with it, it hit her foot and she freaked out. Dee Dee had to turn it off and Hannah still wouldn't play with it. Makes you wonder if it is really the kids who want the "hot" new toys or if it is the parents that want them. Thanks to Becky Boo Sierra has now entered to "Barbie" stage. Thanks a lot, I was hoping to have at least one more year without that toothpick bimbo, but Sierra loves the thing. The one that she got came with her very own kitchen (her favorite thing).

Mark got a promotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As of right now, he is the lead associate for the meat department, but sometime in January he should be the meat manager. Not bad for only being with Wal-mart for 1 year. I wonder what he will be this time next year.

I had one more resolution to add,
6. Have a baby. Mark and I decided that we want to have at least 2 kids, but I don't want them to be too far apart in age, so if it doesn't happen by the end of next year Sierra-Lynn will be it.


Juli said...

OOH BABIES!! I love it! Get to work you two--I'm giving us til' 08 to make an actual decision about a baby--then I'm done.

Buffie said...

I love them too. In high school I said that I was going to have 3, that has changed though. I'm thinking that 2 is the limit, and maybe down the road become foster parents. I just don't want Sierra to ever be alone.
The reason for the deadline is they will have to share a room and I don't want Sierra going to Kindergarden and getting woke up a night by a baby.
I think that everyone should have at least 2, just my opinion.