Friday, April 6, 2007

What A Difference A Year Makes

Sierra's Easter Dress. Isn't it pretty?

Both this year and last year, Sierra's Aunt Becky has sent her an Easter Basket. For the past two years, for whatever reason, the United States Postal Service has refused to deliver it to our house. Last year we dealt with Warrenton and this year its Wright City. Last year the carrier was just to lazy to come up the driveway, this year; well it wouldn't fit in the locker that is meant for packages. Needless to say, it has had to be picked up from the post office both years.

Last year Sierra and I walked from our house to the post office to pick it up. Which almost landed me in the hospital for heat stroke, it was nearly 80 degrees on the Saturday before Easter (and I barely made it to the post office before they closed). This year, Mark drove to the Wright City post office on his lunch break to pick it up (so that Sierra could have her Easter dress for Easter). Our current temperature is 32 degrees.

That's right, I let Aunt Becky buy her her Easter dress this year instead of make her one. I had to. I started to work on it and had everything cut except the lining. I had planned on cutting them out the next day, but it was so beautiful outside that we (Mark, Sierra, and myself) spent the day outside. We barbecued and worked on our vegetable garden. Neither of them lasted, the barbecue we ate and the garden has since frozen to death. I will replant, but not for a few weeks.
Below you will see my favorite outside pet. (The tulips are dead too. COD: Winter) I didn't get the plastic all the way to the sides of the box, so this little bunny goes into it and eats the grass from the edges. I almost got a picture of him giving himself a bath, but by the time that I got the camera ready, he was hiding behind a hanging basket happily eating more grass.
Well, it is time for me to get off this thing and get Miss Sierra-Lynn ready to get her picture taken with the Easter Bunny. I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR.


Anonymous said...

The dress is TOO cute!! I can't wait to see pictures of Miss Sierra in it. So sorry about your beautiful tulips :( WHAT IS UP WITH THIS WEATHER??? It snowed here today?!?!?!

Buffie said...

We plan on buying more tulips when the wather improves, I am more upset about Sierra's vegies. She planted (herself) green beans, peas, peppers, watermelon, cantalope and pumpkin. We lost those and 12 tomato plants.

As for photos of her in it, check in tomorrow for those.

How did Tanner feel about the snow?