Thursday, December 20, 2007

Is it bedtime YET!

I just wanted to give all of you an update on my life this past week. Jackson has christened my couch twice, he has peed on daddy twice. Once was when Mark forgot to "aim it down" after putting his diaper on. ;) Sierra-Lynn has gotten to both hold and feed him (she is so loving this whole big sister thing).
I have finally gotten caught up on laundry (I have been doing it ALL week), can someone get me maid service for Christmas? Today was the first day since getting home that we didn't absolutely have to be somewhere, that was so very very nice. Sunday, Mark went into St. Charles to get gifts from adopt a family, we totally didn't expect as much as what was there. We're talking 13 boxes and a 16 inch bike for Sierra-Lynn. Monday, we had a WIC appointment, Jackson is doing great. I, on the other hand, have an extremely low iron level (8.7; normal is between 11 and 15), so I pretty much feel like death warmed over only cold all the time. After which we went for dinner, then to Wal-Mart so that Mark could show off "his little boy" to all of his co workers. We left the house at 1:30 and got home at around 7:30, talk about a long day.

Tuesday, Jackson had his first doctor's appointment. I swear Sierra-Lynn has never asked so many questions in her life. She wanted to know everything the Dr. Puetz was doing. Don't ask me what went on, I have no idea. I was so out of it. Then we went to the video store and, you guessed it, back to Wal-Mart to find people that had not seen Jackson yet.

Wednesday was my doctor's appointment. I am now staple free, but in more pain than when they were in. I don't know if this is normal, I hope it is. Jackson is now a member of the wireless community, his belly button stump made him mad, so he pulled it off. He is also eating 3 to 3 1/2 oz at a time. He looks like a one month old again. He is also doing sit ups and push ups (at 9 days old). Sierra-Lynn did the same thing.

Monday we were supposed to have a Girl Scout meeting, but for some reason it was cancelled. Sierra-Lynn was crushed. Hopefully tomorrow we will have the time to do the project that she was supposed to do then, pinecone birdfeeders. I also want to watch her new movie with her. I feel bad about not having a whole lot of time to spend with her one on one the past few days, I have just been so tired (and sore, we can't forget sore).
Enjoy the photos and I will be back in a few days.

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