Thursday, December 27, 2007

More Sleep, Please.

Well I made it through the first day taking care of Sierra-Lynn and Jackson alone. Dee Dee and Hannah came by for a few minutes and we swapped Christmas gifts. Truth be told Dee Dee just wanted to see the kids.

Sierra-Lynn got two games (Hi ho cherry-o, and Backyardigans memory), a barbie car, another barbie (happy happy joy joy), some paint stuff, colored pencils and some other stuff. Jackson got a toy for his car seat, some Baby Einstein blocks, a onesi and a heffulump (from Pooh Bear). He also got a penguin pacifier holder, he isn't real sure of that, but it will work great for when we go bye bye. Sierra-Lynn has already beat me 3 times at Hi ho cherry-o, tomorrow I'm kicking her butt at memory (hopefully).
I am sooooooo very very sleepy. Jackson was up all night long, and I mean all night. I put him down at midnight and he was back up at one and would not go back to sleep. Then I had the kids by myself so sleep was out of the question. Maybe he will sleep tonight, if not, Mark has the weekend off, so relief will come.
Well, I'm going to try to catch some ZZZZZZ's before Jackson is due for another bottle. Night all.

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