Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Promises

I have given up on the premise of resolutions, no one ever keeps them, so why do it? I have decided to make promises to myself instead.

Number 1: I will lose weight. I am currently at 249 (30 pounds less than the day that Jackson was born). By the end of 2008 I want to be down to (at least) 200. To do this I plan on exercising a minimum of 30 minutes a day (which is 30 minutes more than I do now). Once the weather gets warmer, I am instituting family walks after dinner, Mark is already on board with this.

Number 2: Get my recipes typed, or at least half of them. I have several thousand that need to be typed, so it may take a while. I can work on them at night while everyone else is sleeping for about 30 minutes a night (or approximately 4 recipes a night). I also want to add one new recipe to the menu every other week (at least).

Number 3: Find mine and Mark's bedroom. This may be the hardest to do, you see one half of our room is our bed, which looks good. The other half has our dresser a couple of storage pieces and a bunch of junk piled up in front of it, that no one but me seems to care about. There is so much crap that getting to Mark's side of the bed can be tricky. And don't get me started on the closet, the more that I try to clean it the more Mark just throws stuff in it.

Number 4: Not only stay in touch with friends, but family. This year, I almost lost my older sister and my paternal grandmother at the same time. By the grace of God they are both still with us, my sister survived Cancer and Grandma Bea reached the ripe old age of 94. But I have 2 other sisters that I don't talk to nearly as often as I should, neither of them even know that they have a nephew. I'm not even sure if my oldest sister, Dana, knows about Sierra-Lynn.
And last but not least, number 5: Ban certain four and five letter words from my vocabulary. I find that when I am stressed (or really tired) I use words that I don't want the kids using and I need to stop. Not real sure how I am going to do that.

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