Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tag You're It!

A while ago I was tagged by my friend Juli, obligating me to tell 10 random facts about me that some of you may know and some that you might not. Well I did 12. It also entitled me to tag 10 people of my own to tell me 10 random facts. I can only think of 2 at the moment (that I know read), they are Becky Bethel and Diana Vandemark, my two wonderful sisters-in-law (and hopefully in-heart), I also want to tag my dad, I don't know if he reads this, but if he does he is far to damn quite. Anyone else who reads this is welcome to play along.
Happy reading.
1. I have never been able to handle it when someone is throwing a tantrum (this includes babies). Imagine how interesting this made babysitting?
2. My ability to judge people sucks. I have been known to think of someone as a friend only to have them back stab me at the first possible chance (this has happened more than once.)
3. I'm a klutz. Just Monday I fell in the bathroom, almost broke my foot and hit my tummy on the tub. Don't worry Jackson is fine.
4. I can't tolerate lying, even little ones. If someone lies about the little things, then what happens when it comes to the big stuff? I would rather someone hurt my feeling with the truth than lie to me.
5. I HATE having people do things for my (I am literally in He-- right now, as I can't even walk to the bathroom without someone with me.) I can know walk on my own, with little pain.
6. I would rather do something for someone else than for myself. Example: given the opportunity to make an outfit or handbag, I would rather do it for someone else (usually Sierra-Lynn) than to make anything for me (the same goes for buying anything).
7. I love anything that has to do with the Renaissance time (the 1500's). Everything was just so beautiful then. Alright not everything about that time, I don't care for the fact that women had no rights, but we did get to wear some pretty cool stuff.
8. Family means everything to me, I just don't mean that much to them, apparently.
9. I want to become a published, well known, author (I just don't have the time or the energy to do it, not do I know where to start [hence my blog]). It's about the closest that I will get.
10. I, like Juli, hate mullets. Billy Ray didn't even look good with one, and just think I live across the street from a woman who sports one. Imagine a very thin woman with dark brown hair (in a mullet) a white t-shirt and jeans (her uniform), its all she will wear.
11. If asked a question (or to do something like this) I will be brutally honest.
12. I think that I am allergic to pain.

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