Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Sorry that I was unable to post last night, I fell asleep on the couch waiting for Jackson to wake up to eat. How long until he sleeps through the night and is awake most of the day? Just kidding, I miss Sierra-Lynn being this little. I miss her needing Mark and I to do things for her.Her and I played "Trouble" after dinner today, the little turd beat me. She has a tendency to do that when you play a game with her, but she does pretty well when she loses, so I guess it's okay. I asked her today (and everyday) if she is ready to send Jackson back, she looks at me with the cutest look on her face and says, "No Mommy, he's a keeper." She constantly wants to hold him and feed him and love on him, especially when he is sleeping, which wakes him up, then he is crabby.Tomorrow is my first day alone with both of the kids, to tell you the truth, I am a little scared. What if I spend so much time with Jackson that Sierra-Lynn feels unloved? Or what if I spend so much time with Sierra-Lynn that Jackson feels unloved? How do you find a happy medium? Wish me luck, I know that I am going to need it, but if I can make it through tomorrow I know that I'll be fine.
Speaking of those who are doing fine. Jackson had a doctors appointment today. His bump has gotten a little smaller. If he still has it when he is a month old, they are going to ultrasound it, to make sure that it is not attached to his spine. It doesn't appear to be, but it is hard to tell. They will also try to find out what it is then and make sure that it is not cancerous. I don't think that it will be, according to Mark all of the Bennett men have them (he does and so did his dad), theirs are on their heads though. He is still at 9 lbs 4 oz, just like last week, he has been given until he is a month old to get back to his birth weight, before we start to worry.


Juli said...

It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. The kids look beautiful!!! Ours was good, lots of traveling here and there. Truthfully, I am glad that it is over. Sorry I haven't been posting much. I have been so tired lately!

Buffie said...

I hear ya. I have been going to bed around midnight to 1 a.m. and getting back up around 7 a.m. Granted that sounds like a lot of sleep, but it's not sound sleep. Last night Jackson didn't hardly sleep at all, so I was up almost all night.