Saturday, December 29, 2007


I know that I shouldn't be too terribly mad at Mark, but the man knows that I don't like to be lied to or to have important information withheld from me. What do he and Dr. Foster do? They keep probably the biggest most important thing from me.
I knew that something was very wrong on the 11th of December, while trying to bring Jackson into the world, I just didn't know how wrong things were. For a while before we went to the hospital, I was overcome by this over whelming feeling that I was going to go into the hospital to have him and I was never going to see my little girl again.
Mark just told me tonight that the reason for the c-section, was because my blood pressure dropped to 80/10 and that the doctor told him that he had two options. Option 1: both Jackson and myself could die on the table; or option 2: a c-section. He went with option 2, I didn't really want to have major surgery, but it beats the hell out of being dead. I'm just pissed that he kept it from me for almost three weeks.

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