Every year I post my resolutions, and here I am to do it again.
1. 2009 is going to be a year of fun. I will play more with my kids, no matter how much it kills my back and leg to get on the floor with them.
2. I will start writing again. I used to write all the time and I felt really good when I did, some how I lost the time to write, but I plan to find it again.
3. I will continue to work out. It also makes me feel good, for the first time I actually kept up with this one in 2008, and lost more than 20 pounds, so yay me.
4. I am really bad about doing everything for Sierra-Lynn. This year I am going to let her do more. I am also going to make her responsible for some of the housework.
I think that I'll limit it to four this year. I hope that next year is better for everyone than this year was. Just thought of a fifth...
5. Sierra-Lynn has been on her daddy and I to take her to church. I would like to get back to that, as well as read the Bible. I have tried to read it before, but reading it from front to back is apparently not going to work. I found a different way to do it so, we'll see what happens.
There you have it. Have more fun playing with the kids, start writing again, continue working out so that I can be there for my kids, let go just a little and stop trying to do it all, and go to church and read the Bible (hopefully daily). Feel free to ask me throughout the year how I'm doing.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Time
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. I don't know the rest of the song. So there.
All in all today was a good day, we got up, had cinnamon french toast, and opened presents. Jackson got a big tub of dinosaurs, a new blanket (mommy made), a ride on tonka truck, Schoolhouse rock DVD, and a couple action figures. Sierra-Lynn's gifts were a microscope, an accessory kit, a solar system model, her name is letter pillows (mommy made), a new sheet set and a doll. I got some new 13x9 inch cake pans and Twist of Fate: the Matt and Jeff Hardy story, I also got a necklace. Mark got a video game, a CD that he wanted and a socket set.
After Jackson rested a while, we went out for Chinese for lunch, and whose truck did I see? My Uncle David's. I didn't know that he was coming up, I should have, considering the fact that he has been up every Christmas since I introduced him to my friend Tori. I texted him, to let him know that I knew he was up here and he lied and said that he would come see us today. I say lied because he still has not shown up here, it broke Sierra-Lynn's heart. No one has that right. After texting him AGAIN he said that he would come by tomorrow, I said "Duck it!" and called him, my exact words to him were "I know that you didn't come up here to see us, so don't bother coming over." Then hung up and turned off the cell phone. Why doesn't my family give a crap? And further more, why do I care?
To top everything else off, I can't find my purse anywhere. Merry freaking Christmas to me. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
To top everything else off, I can't find my purse anywhere. Merry freaking Christmas to me. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Fed Up!!!!!!!!!
The kids had their annual checkups today, they are both have low iron. If anyone has high iron recipes let me know. I will put them to good use. It was comical at the doctors today, Sierra-Lynn went first, since she only had to get her iron checked. She screamed and fought and got hysterical. Jackson, on the other hand, sat up like a big boy while the nurse pricked his finger and didn't make a peep. He wanted to play with the blood coming out of his finger. When it came time for his shots, he screamed bloody murder. He did get a sheriff rubber ducky out of it, which went right in his mouth.
This blasted thing fooled me. When I started this post, the picture thingy worked and I was in the process of uploading 4, then it crapped out on me, I will keep trying for those of you that don't have myspace. This site isn't the only one making me mad, hotmail is too, it won't let me reply or forward or anything. I'm about to switch to yahoo.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Party Stuff
I would love to be able to let all of you see what a mess Jackson made of himself with his birthday cake, but for some ungodly reason this site is being a butt and not letting me post any photos. It's been like this for at least a week. I have posted birthday photos on my myspace page, 58 I believe. Mark went over board with the pictures. Here is a shortcut to my page (you will have to add me as a friend to see anything) http://www.myspace.com/bjbstyle
I hope that everyone is doing okay and I will try to be back soon with an update.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Jackson!!!!!!!
Today my little man turned one. In the last few weeks he has learned to walk, he is even good at walking in shoes.
This morning we all went into his room and sang "happy birthday", then we had breakfast. He got to eat his very first doughnut. He was so cute, he kept going "mmmmmmm" and "yum". I think he is finally ready to give up baby food, which works for me. Although I have to find a home for the baby food that we still have. He is also working on giving up his bottles. Today, instead of 3 bottles, he only had one. I guess that's what happens when you start every meal with a sippy cup. He is also working on using real cups. He got this really cute dinosaur one from his aunt and he loves to drink water out of it (he ends up wearing has much as he drinks). ;P
For dinner we had Chinese, he loved it. The waitresses brought him a little piece of orange cake flanked by jello (north and south) and apricots (east and west). He thought the jello was cool because it bounced and he got more of the cake on the floor than he ate, but it was so very cute. Unfortunately we didn't have the camera, so no photos.
Sierra-Lynn spent a good chunk of last night making Jackson a birthday card. It's a robot complete with arms, she even signed it. When she gave it to him, he smiled and his face lit up and he pulled her and gave her a big hug and a sloppy kiss on her cheek.
Come back on Sunday (maybe Saturday) for pictures of his birthday party. Til then, be well.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Eleven Days And Counting!
I am so tired, first there was the all day trip to my sister-in-laws house for birthday/Thanksgiving/Christmas on Thursday, fun but tiring. I would post photos, but my camera died, I forgot to bring extra batteries, and the batteries that I got from my sis-in-law took a grand total of one picture before they too crapped out. It was so cute watching Jackson pull his dinosaurs out of their gift bags and kiss and hug them. Sierra-Lynn's day was also made, she wanted Guess who extra and connect 4 and got them both, now she doesn't know what to ask Santa for.
Then there was getting up at 4:15 a.m. for early morning shopping on Friday. And lastly, we have Jackson getting up at 3:30 a.m. this morning and refusing to go back to sleep. He wouldn't even play quietly, nope, not my sweet little pain in the ***. He screamed every 15 to 30 minutes, thus ensuring that Mark and I would not get any sleep. How do I get this to stop? He used to sleep through the night, why doesn't he now?
Anyway, Jackson will be turning 1 in 11 days, I have nothing finalized. Not that I was planning much, but I don't even know what kind of cake I am making, man I am behind. So far we have invited my little brother Joey, his dad (my step dad) and his wife and 2 girls, and one of Jackson's baby friends. I know that Jackson's friend will be there, but as for the rest of them, I'm not so sure. Hopefully I get confirmations, so I know how much to make for lunch. We will probably just do sandwiches anyway (quick and easy) or maybe tacos, those are always good.
Till later, I hope that all had a good Thanksgiving and I will post again in a few days.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Hot Tub Anyone!
Today has been one of those days. It was a co-op day, so it was automatically going to be long.
Jackson decided this morning that he was going to do everything within his power to hurt himself. He tried to throw himself head first from his highchair during breakfast. At co-op he climbed up on the kid sized picnic table and fell off, getting a gooseegg and a rug burn on his forehead, his nose is bruised too. He then preceeded to slam his little fingers in the cabinets, and got a cheese craker stuck in his throat and threw up all over everywhere.
Sierra-Lynn got to use a hammer in arts and crafts, they made "jingle sticks". It's a stick that looks like you would use has a sling shot and has metal bottle caps strung on a wire between the twigs. She decorated it with lots of ribbon. I can't believe the teacher was brave enough to give 5 to 8 year olds hammers, she's braver than I.
I, on the other hand, hurt my left knee again. I have had a problem with it since I was eleven and the car I was in ran over my leg to the knee. All I did today was straighten it and SNAP, SNAP, POP!
Jackson decided this morning that he was going to do everything within his power to hurt himself. He tried to throw himself head first from his highchair during breakfast. At co-op he climbed up on the kid sized picnic table and fell off, getting a gooseegg and a rug burn on his forehead, his nose is bruised too. He then preceeded to slam his little fingers in the cabinets, and got a cheese craker stuck in his throat and threw up all over everywhere.
Sierra-Lynn got to use a hammer in arts and crafts, they made "jingle sticks". It's a stick that looks like you would use has a sling shot and has metal bottle caps strung on a wire between the twigs. She decorated it with lots of ribbon. I can't believe the teacher was brave enough to give 5 to 8 year olds hammers, she's braver than I.
I, on the other hand, hurt my left knee again. I have had a problem with it since I was eleven and the car I was in ran over my leg to the knee. All I did today was straighten it and SNAP, SNAP, POP!
Monday, November 17, 2008
None of that Sissy Crap!
Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems that always sound good, But never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship. You will see no cutesy little smiley faces on this card- Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.
1. When you are sad --I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!
2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile -- I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
4. When you're scared -- we will high tail it out of here.
5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby!!!
6. When you are confused -- I will use little words.
7. When you are sick --Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
8. When you fall -- I'll pick you up and dust you off-- After I laugh my butt off!!!
9. This is my oath...I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask -- because you are my FRIEND!
Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth. Send this to 10 of your closest friends,Then get depressed because you can only think Of 4 .
1. When you are sad --I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!
2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile -- I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
4. When you're scared -- we will high tail it out of here.
5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby!!!
6. When you are confused -- I will use little words.
7. When you are sick --Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
8. When you fall -- I'll pick you up and dust you off-- After I laugh my butt off!!!
9. This is my oath...I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask -- because you are my FRIEND!
Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth. Send this to 10 of your closest friends,Then get depressed because you can only think Of 4 .
Friday, November 14, 2008
A Tale Of Lies
For the last 15 plus years, my family has been lying to me and my brother. Lies to get us to hate. Keeping my brother away from his dad and two little sisters.
I know this because I have been emailing one of the sisters and she put me in touch with Ralph (the dad). We talked, through email, last night for about an hour. Once I was able to let go of the hate and the anger that I had carried around for most of my life, I started thinking back to what I really remembered. Yes, Ralph had a temper and didn't handle things right sometimes, but he was also between the ages of 22 and 25 when he was with my mom. Anyone who has been around a guy of that age knows that they have a long way to go to fully mature.
Yes, he did hit my mom sometimes, but there were good times too. I remember those now that I put aside the crap that I was told by my sister and uncles. I also got the only thing that I have wanted from him, an apology. I plan to put the past to rest and move on. My family has caused enough hurt. My question to them, how can you hurt a child the way that you did? All the lies make you the bad person/people. As I have said, lying for any reason is never good and will always come back to bite you in the a** in the end.
I know this because I have been emailing one of the sisters and she put me in touch with Ralph (the dad). We talked, through email, last night for about an hour. Once I was able to let go of the hate and the anger that I had carried around for most of my life, I started thinking back to what I really remembered. Yes, Ralph had a temper and didn't handle things right sometimes, but he was also between the ages of 22 and 25 when he was with my mom. Anyone who has been around a guy of that age knows that they have a long way to go to fully mature.
Yes, he did hit my mom sometimes, but there were good times too. I remember those now that I put aside the crap that I was told by my sister and uncles. I also got the only thing that I have wanted from him, an apology. I plan to put the past to rest and move on. My family has caused enough hurt. My question to them, how can you hurt a child the way that you did? All the lies make you the bad person/people. As I have said, lying for any reason is never good and will always come back to bite you in the a** in the end.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I'm Cold.
I have never been a big fan of cold weather, but living in this place had made it even worse. I can almost feel the cold air come in through the walls. I could just be imagining it, but I doubt it. I have been in a better mood since last Tuesday, it's amazing how good you can feel, when you feel like your voice counts.
Anyway, Jackson turns 11 months old on Tuesday. When the h*** did that happen? He has finally started using his push behind walker. He is even mastering pushing it with one hand while carrying a toy/water bottle/whatever in the other hand. This morning he even pushed it into the kitchen and was walking around in there. (That is until I told him to get his tiny butt back in the living room.) He started trying to turn around and did fairly well until he hit the carpet and fell to his knees. He is starting to feel better, he still has diarrhea, but not as bad.
School with Sierra-Lynn is going good. She is taking to math very well. A few weeks ago, we started working on subtraction and (I thought that she would confuse it with addition) now we are doing pages that have both addition and subtraction on it and she is doing great. She is still having problems with currency, but then so is the government so I can't fault her too much for it! Seriously, I know that she knows the difference between the different coins but when you ask her how much a dime is worth, she starts at one cent and works her way to the proper amount. Of course she could just be doing it to get a rise out of mommy, and, unfortunately it is working.
God Bless
Anyway, Jackson turns 11 months old on Tuesday. When the h*** did that happen? He has finally started using his push behind walker. He is even mastering pushing it with one hand while carrying a toy/water bottle/whatever in the other hand. This morning he even pushed it into the kitchen and was walking around in there. (That is until I told him to get his tiny butt back in the living room.) He started trying to turn around and did fairly well until he hit the carpet and fell to his knees. He is starting to feel better, he still has diarrhea, but not as bad.
School with Sierra-Lynn is going good. She is taking to math very well. A few weeks ago, we started working on subtraction and (I thought that she would confuse it with addition) now we are doing pages that have both addition and subtraction on it and she is doing great. She is still having problems with currency, but then so is the government so I can't fault her too much for it! Seriously, I know that she knows the difference between the different coins but when you ask her how much a dime is worth, she starts at one cent and works her way to the proper amount. Of course she could just be doing it to get a rise out of mommy, and, unfortunately it is working.
God Bless
Monday, November 3, 2008
Happy Birthday, Sierra-Lynn
I would love to say that all was well at little miss Princess want to be's party went well, but during snack, she decided to throw a fit. One of the guests wanted to play a game while we waited for everyone else and she didn't like that idea. She should consider herself lucky that I allowed her to watch "High School Musical 3".
It took everything that I had (during the movie) to keep from laughing. I'm sorry, but there is not a basketball team in the world that is going to break into song in the middle of the game. It's like in "High School Musical 2", the bell rings for summer break, and instead of running for the nearest exit, they sing and dance all over school. Sure they did.
All in all, everything went ok, and the girls had fun.
Halloween Pics
Friday, October 24, 2008
It's done!
I finally got Sierra-Lynn's penguin costume done today, with a week to spare. Ya me! When we get batteries I will post a photo.
Before I forget, I got to see my little brother yesterday. He is not so little anymore, he is 19. The only thing that worries me is the fact that he is hanging around his sperm donor. Okay, no my mom didn't go to a bank and pick someone out of a book, but she would have been better off. I refer to the jerk that my mom made the mistake of marrying. The thing is, he has two little sisters that he wants to have a relationship with, but they won't talk to him if he doesn't talk to his "father". If they only knew the back story, maybe they wouldn't push him into a relationship that he doesn't want.
P.S. Shortly after this was originally posted, Jackson took his first step. ;)
Before I forget, I got to see my little brother yesterday. He is not so little anymore, he is 19. The only thing that worries me is the fact that he is hanging around his sperm donor. Okay, no my mom didn't go to a bank and pick someone out of a book, but she would have been better off. I refer to the jerk that my mom made the mistake of marrying. The thing is, he has two little sisters that he wants to have a relationship with, but they won't talk to him if he doesn't talk to his "father". If they only knew the back story, maybe they wouldn't push him into a relationship that he doesn't want.
P.S. Shortly after this was originally posted, Jackson took his first step. ;)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
2 Weeks And Counting!!!
I can't believe that 2 weeks from today, my little girl will be six years old. Six weeks after that, my baby turns 1. It makes me want to cry.
We took Sierra-Lynn to the dentist on Thursday, she has no cavities and has gotten two out of four of her 6 year molars. Like I didn't already know this, she has been in as much pain as Jackson.
Just so everyone knows, I still have not gotten Sierra-Lynn's costume done yet, it should be done soon. I will post photos when I get finished.
We took Sierra-Lynn to the dentist on Thursday, she has no cavities and has gotten two out of four of her 6 year molars. Like I didn't already know this, she has been in as much pain as Jackson.
Just so everyone knows, I still have not gotten Sierra-Lynn's costume done yet, it should be done soon. I will post photos when I get finished.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Mark and Sierra-Lynn
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A Day Late And A Dollar Short!
As usual, I am late putting a post on here. Yesterday was Mark's 35 birthday. I love having a husband who is older than me; no matter how old he is, I will always be 7 seven years younger.
He had to work and had a bad day. He did get to see his little sister and talk to his older sister, so that made his day better. He also got this talking card that absolutely made his day.
Miss Dee Dee may be having a little girl (they were only 85% sure, which is more sure than they were with Sierra-Lynn [80%]). Now, I have to figure out what I am going to do with about a billion bags of baby boy clothes. Oh well, that's a small worry.
Before I forget, Jackson now has three teeth, with 2 maybe 3 more on the way. His new tooth looks discolored but it may just be a bruise on his gums. We were also able to get his iron level up, just by one point, but that's pretty darn good considering we did it in 2 weeks; it took forever to get Sierra-Lynn's up.
Sierra-Lynn is doing good, we started "Book it" on the first, and she has 2 out of the 10 books that she needs to read this month to get her pizza. We have also started working on learning about Delaware and George Washington. If anyone as a recipe from Delaware, please leave it in the comments. By the end of the month, we should know the words to Delaware's state song as well as have a mock vacation planned, who knows what kind of fun is to be had in the first state of the United States Of America.
I seem to be losing myself in this thing called motherhood, but I will have to post that later, Jackson is screaming. He should be napping, but he doesn't seem to want to sleep (ever).
He had to work and had a bad day. He did get to see his little sister and talk to his older sister, so that made his day better. He also got this talking card that absolutely made his day.
Miss Dee Dee may be having a little girl (they were only 85% sure, which is more sure than they were with Sierra-Lynn [80%]). Now, I have to figure out what I am going to do with about a billion bags of baby boy clothes. Oh well, that's a small worry.
Before I forget, Jackson now has three teeth, with 2 maybe 3 more on the way. His new tooth looks discolored but it may just be a bruise on his gums. We were also able to get his iron level up, just by one point, but that's pretty darn good considering we did it in 2 weeks; it took forever to get Sierra-Lynn's up.
Sierra-Lynn is doing good, we started "Book it" on the first, and she has 2 out of the 10 books that she needs to read this month to get her pizza. We have also started working on learning about Delaware and George Washington. If anyone as a recipe from Delaware, please leave it in the comments. By the end of the month, we should know the words to Delaware's state song as well as have a mock vacation planned, who knows what kind of fun is to be had in the first state of the United States Of America.
I seem to be losing myself in this thing called motherhood, but I will have to post that later, Jackson is screaming. He should be napping, but he doesn't seem to want to sleep (ever).
Sunday, September 28, 2008
It's 5 O'clock Somewhere!!!!!
What makes a child go from being a sweet loving kid one minute to a lying, back talking pain in the you know what the next? Last night, Mark and I were getting ready to watch Law & Order SVU, when we heard a crash come from Sierra-Lynn's room. Mark asked her what fell and she says nothing, I dropped my necklace. There was no hesitation in the kid's voice, she just opened her mouth and told a bold faced lie.
I may get upset if her room is, well the tornado disaster area that it is now, but I can't stand liars. I see absolutely no reason for it. Ok, like most parents, we have brought to life Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, but when it comes to real life it's the truth or nothing. Too many people in my life have lied to me, and I won't have a kid do it. I would rather have somebody hurt my feelings by telling me the truth, then try to spare me by lying.
Anyway, (if Mark gets home when he is supposed to) I'm talking a walk so that my head doesn't explode, then I'm going to try to relax in the thing that passes for a tub in this house, followed by a rum and coke to complete the relaxation process. That's what I want to do, but probably won't get to do, Mark may have to stay over 2 hours. Then it's a quick shower and maybe finish watching "Wrong Turn", before going off to bed (only to get up and do it all over tomorrow).
Of course I am also having with drawls. Now before you start thinking something that's wrong let me finish, k? My with drawls come from not getting a weekly shot of my favorite wrestler, Matt Hardy. His birthday was on September 23, which was a Tuesday, the same night that ECW is on. He wasn't on it or Smackdown (Friday night). So, if any of my friends wanted to get me the DVD "Twist of Fate: the Matt and Jeff Hardy Story" for Christmas (or a belated birthday gift), I wouldn't object.
I'm going to have to go for now, it's snack time and before Jackson completely trashes my living room, I'd better get him his snack. Speaking of Jackson, he is almost ready to cut another tooth.
I may get upset if her room is, well the tornado disaster area that it is now, but I can't stand liars. I see absolutely no reason for it. Ok, like most parents, we have brought to life Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, but when it comes to real life it's the truth or nothing. Too many people in my life have lied to me, and I won't have a kid do it. I would rather have somebody hurt my feelings by telling me the truth, then try to spare me by lying.
Anyway, (if Mark gets home when he is supposed to) I'm talking a walk so that my head doesn't explode, then I'm going to try to relax in the thing that passes for a tub in this house, followed by a rum and coke to complete the relaxation process. That's what I want to do, but probably won't get to do, Mark may have to stay over 2 hours. Then it's a quick shower and maybe finish watching "Wrong Turn", before going off to bed (only to get up and do it all over tomorrow).
Of course I am also having with drawls. Now before you start thinking something that's wrong let me finish, k? My with drawls come from not getting a weekly shot of my favorite wrestler, Matt Hardy. His birthday was on September 23, which was a Tuesday, the same night that ECW is on. He wasn't on it or Smackdown (Friday night). So, if any of my friends wanted to get me the DVD "Twist of Fate: the Matt and Jeff Hardy Story" for Christmas (or a belated birthday gift), I wouldn't object.
I'm going to have to go for now, it's snack time and before Jackson completely trashes my living room, I'd better get him his snack. Speaking of Jackson, he is almost ready to cut another tooth.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I'm A Flake.
Jackson's new bed!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
We have now had 2 Girl Scout meetings this year, and so far everything is going much better than last year. The new leader, Kristen, is somewhat creative and has OCD so she is very organized (something that we were needing).
The only thing that stinks about it is that Jackson isn't allowed to be there. He is too disruptive. We had fun last night though, especially Sierra-Lynn, she sat between Taylor and Samantha, though she spent a lot of time talking to Taylor about the singer Taylor Swift, they are both fans.
We got home and Mark and Jackson were watching the countdown to "Heros". I think that I am going to like having Mark work during the day, I love having him home at night. It gives us a chance to unwind and talk about our day, he's there to help with the kids, then we get to cuddle all night. And, the best part, most nights he'll be home for dinner.
Gotta go, God Bless.
The only thing that stinks about it is that Jackson isn't allowed to be there. He is too disruptive. We had fun last night though, especially Sierra-Lynn, she sat between Taylor and Samantha, though she spent a lot of time talking to Taylor about the singer Taylor Swift, they are both fans.
We got home and Mark and Jackson were watching the countdown to "Heros". I think that I am going to like having Mark work during the day, I love having him home at night. It gives us a chance to unwind and talk about our day, he's there to help with the kids, then we get to cuddle all night. And, the best part, most nights he'll be home for dinner.
Gotta go, God Bless.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Our First Co-Op
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Buzzy Bee
We tried out Jackson's Halloween custumes. I'll let you see for yourself just how cute he is.

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Just Wanted To Share.
I was sent this email and wanted to pass it on to my readers. It gives a little insight into the lives of me and my family and our decision to home educate.
The myths and misconceptions about home education are numerous and pernicious. I personally do not choose to use the term 'homeschool,' as what we do has nothing whatever to do with the institutionalized mob mentality pablum that masquerades as education in the public school system. We are home educators, and our children are educated in the home setting as were the majority of our great thinkers and leaders in history. Our children range in ability from average to far above average, but all understand that 'school' is a misnomer and is not applicable to real life. School is a season in the lives of most Americans; we don't believe in school, but in learning... and learning is for a lifetime. Critical thinking, logic, researching deeply into subjects, following rabbit trails of thought and exploring various points of view are what we teach. The public training system simply spoon feeds information and requires that it be regurgitated on the next test, after which it can be safely forgotten.
Those who are willing to continue this system into adulthood are the ones who believe the myths regarding home education that are propagated as fact in the media and academia. Both of these groups have a vested interest in a society of blind birds with open mouths who will accept without question the declamations given to them; it provides job security and a continuation of their bubble of self-importance.
Home educators, by and large, are NOT strange anti-social people living in compounds and handling snakes. Their children are capable of a wide range of social interactions, with all age groups. They have friends, and hobbies; they play sports, sing in choral groups, play instruments, create art, volunteer in the community, and often work part-time as they get older, all while continuing the learning process that will help them become good employees, good bosses, good neighbors, good parents, and good citizens.
We have run into resistance from well-meaning family and deep-seated antipathy from members of the teaching establishments who worry about keeping their jobs. Pouring more and more money into a system that is progressively deteriorating and finishing with an inferior product is no way to go. As parents, we knew that it was our responsibility to do better for our children. We have done so by educating our children at home, and preparing them well for a successful life as well-informed and active citizens.
The myths and misconceptions about home education are numerous and pernicious. I personally do not choose to use the term 'homeschool,' as what we do has nothing whatever to do with the institutionalized mob mentality pablum that masquerades as education in the public school system. We are home educators, and our children are educated in the home setting as were the majority of our great thinkers and leaders in history. Our children range in ability from average to far above average, but all understand that 'school' is a misnomer and is not applicable to real life. School is a season in the lives of most Americans; we don't believe in school, but in learning... and learning is for a lifetime. Critical thinking, logic, researching deeply into subjects, following rabbit trails of thought and exploring various points of view are what we teach. The public training system simply spoon feeds information and requires that it be regurgitated on the next test, after which it can be safely forgotten.
Those who are willing to continue this system into adulthood are the ones who believe the myths regarding home education that are propagated as fact in the media and academia. Both of these groups have a vested interest in a society of blind birds with open mouths who will accept without question the declamations given to them; it provides job security and a continuation of their bubble of self-importance.
Home educators, by and large, are NOT strange anti-social people living in compounds and handling snakes. Their children are capable of a wide range of social interactions, with all age groups. They have friends, and hobbies; they play sports, sing in choral groups, play instruments, create art, volunteer in the community, and often work part-time as they get older, all while continuing the learning process that will help them become good employees, good bosses, good neighbors, good parents, and good citizens.
We have run into resistance from well-meaning family and deep-seated antipathy from members of the teaching establishments who worry about keeping their jobs. Pouring more and more money into a system that is progressively deteriorating and finishing with an inferior product is no way to go. As parents, we knew that it was our responsibility to do better for our children. We have done so by educating our children at home, and preparing them well for a successful life as well-informed and active citizens.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Life According To A Duck!
Marriage changes passion. Suddenly you're in bed with a relative.
I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with 'Guess' on it. So I said 'Implants?' She hit me.
How come we choose from just two people to run for president and over fifty for MissAmerica ?
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place!
When I was young we used to go 'skinny dipping,' now I just 'chunky dunk.'
Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctrl Alt Delete' and start all over? AMEN, AMEN !!
Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in prison?
Wouldn't you know it....Brain cells come and brain cells go, but FAT cells live forever.
Why do I have to swear on the Bible in court when the Ten Commandments cannot be displayed outside?
Bumper sticker of the year: 'If you can read this, thank a teacher -and, since it's in English, thank a soldier'
And remember: life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. Ya just might want to pass this along....
Marriage changes passion. Suddenly you're in bed with a relative.
I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with 'Guess' on it. So I said 'Implants?' She hit me.
How come we choose from just two people to run for president and over fifty for MissAmerica ?
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place!
When I was young we used to go 'skinny dipping,' now I just 'chunky dunk.'
Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctrl Alt Delete' and start all over? AMEN, AMEN !!
Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in prison?
Wouldn't you know it....Brain cells come and brain cells go, but FAT cells live forever.
Why do I have to swear on the Bible in court when the Ten Commandments cannot be displayed outside?
Bumper sticker of the year: 'If you can read this, thank a teacher -and, since it's in English, thank a soldier'
And remember: life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. Ya just might want to pass this along....
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Coming Soon!!!!
Starting tomorrow, I will be starting a secondary blog for recipe sharing. I have several that I would like to share with my loved ones. You can go through my profile or visit the following site http://funrecipesharing.blogspot.com/
God Bless
God Bless
Friday, August 29, 2008
Here We Go Again. . .
In 3 hours I will be sitting in a parents meeting for Girl Scouts. Oh the thrill of it. I don't know if you remember what scouts was like for me last year, but I was about to hurt someone (a higher up). I got so stressed by all of it, that I almost lost Jackson, so needless to say I am sooooooooo not looking forward to it this year, but Sierra-Lynn wants to do it again this year. We will try it, and if the adults can't grow up, we walk. Who knows, maybe we will try Clover Kids (4H).
Today, we declared it hair cut day. Sierra-Lynn now has a shoulder length cut with layers. She got a "Camp Rock/Hannah Montana" poster (happy happy joy joy). I just got rid of my split ends. We even tried to trim Jackson around the ears, she lady wouldn't cut it short enough. His hair keeps bugging his ears and he has ended up getting little sores in his ears from clawing himself. I don't do well with blood coming from my little man's ears. He was cute though, the lady let him hold the clippers and he wouldn't let them go. When she tried to take them he just smiled at her.
Due to lack of rain (and me not watering the pumpkins enough), we lost the smallest pumpkin.
Today, we declared it hair cut day. Sierra-Lynn now has a shoulder length cut with layers. She got a "Camp Rock/Hannah Montana" poster (happy happy joy joy). I just got rid of my split ends. We even tried to trim Jackson around the ears, she lady wouldn't cut it short enough. His hair keeps bugging his ears and he has ended up getting little sores in his ears from clawing himself. I don't do well with blood coming from my little man's ears. He was cute though, the lady let him hold the clippers and he wouldn't let them go. When she tried to take them he just smiled at her.
Due to lack of rain (and me not watering the pumpkins enough), we lost the smallest pumpkin.
Friday, August 22, 2008
My Pumpkin's Pumpkins!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Guess What?
My little baby got his first tooth today. Mark and I were getting Jackson out of the bath, when he bit daddy. Mark said that something felt different, so I felt around and sure enough there was a very sharp area on his lower gums. Today, also happens to be Aunt Becky's birthday and she was just giddy when I called and told her. Now maybe he won't be so crabby.
Sierra-Lynn is sick, she a runny nose and is losing her voice, not that she will be quiet. I hope she gets better soon, she is not a happy (or fun to be around) sick person.
Sierra-Lynn is sick, she a runny nose and is losing her voice, not that she will be quiet. I hope she gets better soon, she is not a happy (or fun to be around) sick person.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Where Has 2008 Gone?
I was looking at the calendar and I can't believe that it is almost the end of August. Or that it is time to start thinking about what the kids are going to be for Halloween. Sierra-Lynn wants to be a penguin and Jackson is going to be a frog.
Thursday we went to see "Horton Hears a Who", it was so cute and I got some much needed one on one time with my little girl. Mark took Jackson and walked the mall. He did find out something that (if she is good) will be a nice bonus birthday present. Her favorite wrestler John Cena will be at the mall just a few short days before her birthday. If doesn't behave she doesn't get to go see him. Yes, I know I'm mean, don't care.
Jackson can now pull up on the furniture all by his self. And unlike some babies, he is not afraid to fall, he looks behind himself and flops down on his butt. Then he yells "bop!".
In educational news, Sierra-Lynn took her first round of tests today. She got four 100's and one 83 (English). Mark and I were thrown we she finished her math test in. . . are you sitting down? . . . 1 minute and 48 seconds (we gave her 30 minutes per test).
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
One Week Down. . .
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sierra-Lynn's New Glasses.
This has been quite a week. Mark, Sierra-Lynn and myself have all been sick. Mark and I just had a cold (nothing major), but Sierra-Lynn had strep so bad that she broke out in hives all over her body. Mark and I thought that she might have had chicken pox, thankfully she didn't. Jackson managed not to get sick, although I'm not sure how.
Speaking of Jackson, he has started pulling up on things. He is also obsessed with all things electrical, so I was forced to break out the baby proofing stuff so that he doesn't electrocute himself by eating surge protector. He is currently upset with Mark and me, we took his car exersaucer away from him (he dropped a toy and tried to get it, he almost hit the floor head first).
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Eye Appointment
Today we took the kids to have their eyes checked. Sierra-Lynn still needs glasses (she is near sighted like me), but her eyes have gotten better. Dr. Cruz told us that near sightedness doesn't usually get better, in all the years that he has been an eye specialist he has only seen 5 cases (she's the fifth).
Jackson, on the other hand, takes after daddy and has 20/20 vision. So, of course I feel bad about having his eye dilated, but oh well, better safe than sorry. He may, however, be allergic to eggs, I gave him some the other day and he threw up. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with allergies with him.
Jackson, on the other hand, takes after daddy and has 20/20 vision. So, of course I feel bad about having his eye dilated, but oh well, better safe than sorry. He may, however, be allergic to eggs, I gave him some the other day and he threw up. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with allergies with him.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Another Jackson First...
His first black eye.
Caused by this offensive toy, it is now in time out indefinitely.
He was playing with it last night and it fell over on top of him and hit his little eye. Mark wants to throw it out (I think it will just sit in his toy box for awhile).
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Happy Anniversary To:
I want to wish my loving sisters-in-law happy anniversary. I believe that Becky and Mike have been married 21 years as of July 11. Diana and Justin, on the 12th, will be celebrating 5 wonderful years.
Happy anniversary you guys, we all love you.
I also want to wish my "fuzz" (Jackson) a happy 7 month b-day. I can't believe that my baby is going to be 7 months old tomorrow.
Happy anniversary you guys, we all love you.
I also want to wish my "fuzz" (Jackson) a happy 7 month b-day. I can't believe that my baby is going to be 7 months old tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Jackson is still trying very hard to get his teeth, nothing yet. He is, however, crawling, everywhere. He was so cute yesterday crawling in the yard. And, of course, trying to eat the flowers. He can also sit up on his own, Mark had to lower his bed because the other morning Jackson was sitting up in the middle of his bed.
Sierra-Lynn gave us a little bit of a scare last night. We (Mark and I) were giving Jackson a bath and Sierra-Lynn comes in freaking out about losing a tooth. When she opened her mouth she still had all of her teeth, so we had no idea what she was talking about. Long story short, she has not lost a baby tooth, but gained a grown up molar (upper right). My little girl is getting so big.
Sierra-Lynn gave us a little bit of a scare last night. We (Mark and I) were giving Jackson a bath and Sierra-Lynn comes in freaking out about losing a tooth. When she opened her mouth she still had all of her teeth, so we had no idea what she was talking about. Long story short, she has not lost a baby tooth, but gained a grown up molar (upper right). My little girl is getting so big.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Jackson was like a fish, Sierra-Lynn on the other hand was terrified of the water. She wouldn't even float. From there we went to the mall and did most of our Christmas shopping at the going out of business sale at the Disney Store. Jackson spent the whole time we were at the mall, in a stroller yelling eat, eat, eat. It was so cute. Sierra-Lynn just enjoyed spending time with her Daddy. I don't have any photos of our day, we didn't want to chance something happening to the digital camera so we got a disposable water proof one (we have yet to develop it).
I do have some photos for you that I hope you enjoy.

Sunday, June 8, 2008
I'm Back. . . I Think ;)
I have been so tired lately on top of having a major toothache. But I wanted to put some photos on here that I promised. The first is Jackson and Sierra-Lynn sitting on Uncle David's lap. He wants to move up here and I would like to have him up here, but with the economy the way that it is, I don't think that he should give up a job that pays over $10 an hour plus benefits. But whatever.
We also have a lovely pic of Dee Dee flipping the bird.
This last one is of Jackson. He is doing what we call bridging.
This is the first photo that I have gotten of anyone feeding Jackson.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
At The Faire!!!!
Sorry it's taken so long to get back on here. This past month has gone by in a blur (most of which was spent trying to finish Sierra-Lynn's "princess" dress). I finally finished it at 11:45 p.m. the night before we went to the Ren. Faire. When then spent the day with everyone bowing to her and calling her "princess", she had so much fun, at least until I retweaked my ankle.
The kids did the King's quest, Sierra-Lynn became a princess of the realm and Jackson became a knight of the realm. I am posting a photo of Sierra-Lynn becoming a princess but was unable to get a photo of Jackson being knighted. They brought the sword down on both sides of his little head, it was so cute.
The day went great until we got home and my Uncle David was standing in Tori's driveway. I had no clue that he was even coming up. He is looking into finding a place to live and a job, because he has had it with Tennessee. So I guess it's okay that he is up here.
I just want to say thank-you to all of our troops, past and present. Stay tuned for more of our Memorial Day Weekend Fun.
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