Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Greatest Man I've Ever Known

His name is Robert Jackson Bennett Jr. (.ak.a. Bob) and today
would have been his birthday. He was the dad that I always wanted yet only received as a father-in-law, and in the Bennett home, he is both loved and missed, so much so that I cannot keep the tears at bay as I type these words. Bob was a devoted husband, a loving Dad, a kind and generous papa, and a great friend.
He was my friend as well as my in-law, and everyday that goes by that I can't talk with him feels empty. I spoke with my sister-in-law Dee Dee today and during our conversation (I think) we both started to cry. She told me that when she met me, she was jealous of my "toothpick" size and asked me if I had been jealous of her size. I told her that I wasn't jealous of that, but that the only thing I was envious of her was her parents. I would have given anything when I was growing up to have my parents together and to have a love like hers did. Dee Dee, Becky and Mark don't know how truely lucky they were, to have that kind of relationship role model. I have heard many times that the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, nothing could be truer than those words. The Lord took two wonderful people away from a family that loves them, but he also gave that family (in my opinion) a connection that will bring them all closer together.
So, in closing today, I say to all that are hurting today, as long as we continue to love and remember Bob and each other, he will always be with us.
Blessed Be

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