Friday, November 17, 2006

Scooby Doo Where Are You

Welcome to the ultimate Scooby Doo Birthday party. My angel loves Scooby Doo so much that the day after her "princess" party last year she declared that she was going to have a Scooby party this year. We had it all, bean bag toss, pin the bone on Scooby, a pinata, we even had real mystery for the new Scooby gang to solve, "The Mystery of the Birthday Bandit".
We started with our beautiful witch Scooby pumpkin (template found on-line). The kids (a.k.a. The Scooby gang) tossed mommy made Scooby bean bags into Scooby's nose. After that Sierra-Lynn showed off her room (which she does no matter how many times she has already shown it to you). Then came time for the children to witness the opening of the birthday gifts, only to find that they had been stolen. The search for clues was on.
Next came the pinata. Note to those of you planning a child's birthday party, pinatas are not for use in you kitchen, they are made for outside. Not that it was too terribly bad. We only broke 1 drinking glass, although everyone found the site of a 6 foot 3 inch man using a frying pan as a shield to be a rather comical moment. Alas no photo of that. Inside the pinata was our next clue, and our next game, Stick (because when you deal with children under the age of 5 you don't want them to have pins) the bone on Scooby's mouth.
Then it was time to bring on the cake (and other snacks). We had iced sugar cookies with sugar Scoobys, as well as biscuit pizzas and Scooby snacks. The kids, still on a high from "the thrill of the chase", were extremely well behaved and even said please and thank you. I was as shocked by this as you are folks. The clue found at the snack table lead us to the Birthday Bandit or the Tiki Monster, his capture and unmasking.
When the Tiki Monster came out of the back bedroom (out office) no one was expecting it. You should have seen how high they jumped, then they were running away from him, screaming as they went. They did manage to get him back into the kitchen, where there were not 1 but 2 rolls of toilet paper and proceeded to tie up the monster. Being the
birthday girl did have its advantages, Sierra-Lynn was the one to unmasked the monster, it was her daddy (Mark). As all Scooby villains he said those famous words, "I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling kids." The mystery, however was far from over, they still had to find the presents. What else could the gang do, they tortured the monster with .............. tickles, until he gave up the booty.
Here is Sierra-Lynn with one her gifts (too many photos to show all her gifts). This is her first real bike, a 12 inch Disney Princess bike from her Aunt Becky, Uncle Mike and her cousins Zach and Shawn. She also received a Disney Princess tea set, a lip gloss and nail polish set from Aunt Dee Dee and Uncle Justin and from her cousin Hannah, she got a pink button up sweater. Her friends gave her a Scooby coloring book, crayons, a puzzle, and a Disney Princess mock CD player. From mommy and daddy (more than she needed) she got a helmet and padding set for her bike and skates, a Scooby bop bag, two outfits that I made, two Kids Songs DVDs, Barbie of Swan Lake on DVD and a Chuck-E-Cheeses play set. Thanks to everyone who came, she loved the gifts and has not stopped talking about it since (her party was Nov. 4). I'm just grateful that she learned that when you make the pedals go around in circles, you make the bike go forward. Now if it would only warm up some, so that she can ride it outside instead of in my kitchen. Oh well, that's what I get for having her in November.

1 comment:

Juli said...

Tanner would love something like that! I'll have to give that a whirl next year.