Saturday, November 11, 2006

Well that didn't work

I really wanted to show everyone my family, but apparently I'll have to get my husband, he's the computer wiz. For those of you who are married, you know that getting a man to do something that he may not want to do is almost impossible. Don't get me wrong I love Mark with all my heart, but sometimes that man drives me insane.
Anyway, back to our story. We were married in Mark's parents backyard and had a beautiful lake as our back drop. The officiant was a man named Kelley Hardcastle. In attendance was my in laws Robert and Gloria Bennett, my sister in law Diana, a coworker of mine named Lena, the preachers wife Angie and their son Nathen. And I guess you could count the twins, Hannah and Grace Hardcastle (Angie was pregnant). After the service we all went to my place of employment; Warrenton's own McDonald's for our impromptu reception, which was followed by a round of mini golf for Mark and I. That evening, we were treated to one night at the local Amerihost hotel by Bob and Gloria. As we left the house Bob pulled me aside and told me that he wanted a grand daughter, he had three grand sons now he wanted a little girl.
Around April of 2002 we found out that we were expecting a little bundle of joy, and that it would arrive around October 28. Mark and I were a little excited and a lot scared. Having lost my mom at the ripe old age of 12 1/2 I was questioning if I would even know how to take care of a baby, if I even knew how to be a mom. My pregnancy was one wild ride. Bob was certain from day one that he would have his grand daughter and that she would be born in November. And you know what, that man was right. Sierra-Lynn was born at 3:05 am November 1 weighing in at 9 pounds 2 ounces.
Back to before she made her appearance. Mark and I were living with his parents and unfortunately his little sister Diana was living there too. Now things between us have changed, but then, boy did she hate me. She thought that I was taking her brother away from her because he spent more time with me and less time with her. She also hated the way that her dad doted on me because I was having a baby and she couldn't compete with that. She would pick a fight daily. One time she stood behind her parents screaming that they were her parents, that my mom was dead and that I shouldn't forget that. HELLO, like I would ever in a million years forget that little fact. On another occasion, she stood at one end of the hallway while I was at the other and almost threw a phone at me. But like I said things have changed between us. We actually talk to each other like adults now. Its amazing what 4 1/2 years, her getting married and both of us having a baby will do.
Well folks, that's all for tonight. Its 10:06 p.m. and I have a busy day tomorrow. I'm going to try once again to get my little girl to learn her ABC's. If anyone has any ideas, let me know, PLEASE. And tune in for my next installment
Blessed Be

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