Saturday, November 11, 2006

Meet the Bennetts

Hey, my name is Buffie. I am married to a wonderful man named Mark. We have been married for five years. I'm a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl named Sierra-Lynn. She just turned 4 on the first of November. Mark works at our local Wal-mart. You may wonder what sewbjbstyle is, it is my company. BJB Style is the name and sewing is what I do.
In addition to taking care of Sierra-Lynn, I make one of a kind (okay, sometimes 2 of a kind) outfits. I specialize in children's clothing, can also do home decor, costumes, and adult clothing. And all for very reasonable rates.
In my childhood a moved from one place to another, making friends here and there. One such friend, a Juli Bradshaw, I just recently reconnected with. We have not seen each other for well over 11 years, I have been able to learn about her life through her blog. I hope reconnect with more of the people that I used to know.
Anyway, Mark and I met through a mutual friend, who turned out to be anything but a friend, in April of 2001, by June of the same year we were engaged. His parents, Bob and Gloria, were thrilled that their little boy had found someone to love. Bob even told me that he wanted a grand daughter and that he didn't care if we were married first or not. Then the traggic events of September 11, 2001 happened and we thought, why wait anything could happen at any time and moved the wedding to september 15.
For more of our story, keep reading. I have to go make my little angel something for lunch.

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