Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Justin and Juli

Today I feel blessed, I have in one weeks time I have found two of my best friends, Jessica and Juli. Today Miss Juli turned 27, I know that I have told her this many times today, but Happy Birthday Juli. I had a nice IM conversation with her today, and no I am not ashamed to say that I cried. It is nice to have someone in my life that (at least at one point in out lives) knows me as well as I know myself. In middle school and our freshman year, she was someone that I could turn to when things were bad at home (which was all the time). And she was the one friend that would not believe me, when I had tears in my eyes and said that nothing was wrong or one of the many crazy excuses that I came up with so that I wouldn't have to let people know just what went on behind closed doors at home. For a long time, I didn't want anyone to know, but there has to be a point when you just have to stop letting the past run things in the present. The time for closure is now, I want, no I need to be able to think about the time in my life when I was able to see all of those who went to Webb City High School (grad class of 98) and not be plagued by all of the crap at my father's house. To the WCHS graduating class of 98, I miss you all.
Nancy Kay Capps and Richard Gary Jarmin, you know what you did and now is the time for me to stop blaming myself for it, it was not and is not my fault, I was the child, you were the adults. You are bad people who like to beat on a child just because things don't go your way. Hurting a child for any reason isn't right and I know that despite the two of you, I know that no matter what my little girl does, I should never and will never try to drown her, tie her up or beat her with a yard stick, baseball bat, or any other object. I have Juli and Jessica to thank for the courage to stand up and tell the world what you did. And Gary, if you should ever read this, know that you are not my daughters grandfather, I may have your DNA, but you are not my Dad, at this point I'm not sure that you know what a dad is. You have had more chances than I can count to be a part of my life and have thrown all of them in the trash. Life is to short to waste it on things that don't make your life better. Here's to making your life (and the lives of those that you care about) better everyday.
Going back to the title of this post. Today is also my brother-in-law's birthday. So Happy Birthday Justin, just don't ask me how old he is, because I couldn't tell you. We don't really talk all that often, but he makes my sister-in-law Dee Dee happy and he is a good dad to my niece, so I don't worry about it too much. Hey Dee Dee. Justin is an up and coming artist and if it is in the cards and something that he wants, I hope that he becomes a household name. Just as I hope that Juli's wish to become a stay at home mom comes true for her. I am and I know how much I love being at home to see all of Sierra-Lynn's firsts (and seconds), to teach her all that she needs to know, to see the look on her face when she learns something new. Like after her party, watching the look on her face when she finally learned what pedals on a bike do when used properly, where we live now is the first place that we have lived that she has been able to ride a bike with pedals. That and she got her Disney princess bike from her beloved Aunt Becky for her birthday (she loves it and rides it everyday).
It is once again time for me to get the show on the road. Till next time.
Blessed Be

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