Wednesday, November 15, 2006

We have photos

Here you have my family. My sweet little angel in her Halloween costume, Dorthy Gale. My loving and wonderful husband Mark and myself with the sweetest little girl in the world. Sierra-Lynn fell in love with the idea of being Dorthy after Mark and I let her watch "The Wizard of Oz". She also wanted to be a cheerleader (she already has a cheer leading outfit made by mommy). Now I have nothing against cheerleaders, if I did I would not have made her a cheer leader outfit (not to mention embroidered P-jink on it), but I had spent the money and made not one but two Dorthy outfits, she was going to go trick or treating as Miss Dorthy Gale no matter what. Now please don't ask me what a P-jink is, its just what her beloved Papa used to call her.
As tomorrow would have been his 72nd birthday look for a special post in honor of him, a man that I was not afraid to call dad. Apart of me wishes that he was my dad, but then again if he was I would not have Sierra-Lynn.
Bob (my father-in-law) and Gloria (my mother-in-law) are both gone now, gone but not forgotten, but their relationship gave me something to strive for. A love that was able to make through all of the bad things that life throws at you and came out stronger than ever. I believe that I have that with Mark, and if he should ever think otherwise, well he can just rethink his train of thought. I didn't spend two years of my life changing Gloria's diapers and giving her her meds and her sponge baths and digging poo from her rear end for him to ever think about leaving me. Of course, I didn't do so that he would stay with me either, I did it out of love. Love for him, love for his parents and love for my little girl. I wanted to keep Gloria with us for a long time, but that was not to be. She was taken from us on Dec 8 of last year (the date of my first heart attack), and Bob passed away on Sept 2 of this year. They were both wonderful people and I am honored to have had them in my life for even a short amount of time.
I will leave you tonight with a word of caution to all diabetics or those whose lives are touched by diabetes, take care of yourselves. Diabetes is not a disease to be taken lightly. It turned Gloria from strong independent woman to a bed ridden double amputee who had to rely on someone for everything, even the simplest of task like changing the channel on the television.
Blessed Be

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