Monday, November 13, 2006

Sierra-Lynn's Arrival

Now some of you may say that I'm weak for receiving an epidural, but I don't care. I am allergic to pain. No joke. I had a family friend cut out an ingrown toenail and turned green. The day that my little angel was born was hard enough with one I couldn't imagine not getting one. Of course there was no way that anything could have prepared me for the delivery room. I was, as any first time mom will be, scared beyond belief. I was already 2 weeks late and getting sicker by the day, so Dr. Jennifer Su, the wonderful woman that she is took matters into her own hands. On Halloween of 2002, I was up and at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. (I am not a morning person). At 6:00 a.m. a doctor came in to induce and then came the waiting. Hours passed nothing, there was even talk of me going home, like there was anyway in the world that I was going to let that happen. I was bound and determined that I was getting a Halloween baby. Fate, did not agree with me. It sided with my father in law. From the moment that Robert Jackson Bennett, A.K.A. Bob, found out that he was getting a grand daughter, he became very over protective. He was also quite sure that she would be born in November. I couldn't let him be right, could I? No.
Well, like I said, fate did not agree with me, Sierra-Lynn was born a tad bit more than three hours after midnight. On November 1, 2002, so once again the man was right. Who'd a thunk it?
But we have a twist. Unlike most babies who let their parents and everyone else know that they are in the world, Mark and I did not here that precious first cry. No, what we heard was worse, nurses yelling one another and a chilling silence. I had never been more nervous in my life. It was bad for Mark as well, all that he could do was stand there and watch, which for him is harder than you think, after all he is a trained EMT. But, after what seemed like an eternity, I heard it, she cried. The first and almost last, but not quite.
After six long hours, I was finally able to hold my baby and do what I had wanted to do for months, I looked into her eyes. She smiled, and I cried. That night she stayed in the room with us and I would have slept all night had I not heard her laughing, yes I said laughing. Sierra-Lynn was not a big crier.
Once we got home and she was big enough to move from her bassinet into a crib, we put her 'kick and play piano' in her crib and every night I was awakened by the sound of music instead of the sound of a ticked off baby. God bless the folks at Playskool. Although, if we hadn't had one she still wouldn't have cried, she would have thrown her binky at us.
Well, that's enough for tonight, its 10:42 p.m. and I have plenty to do tomorrow.
Blessed be.

1 comment:

Juli said...

And what a beautiful little girl she is! Buffie, I am so glad that we are getting to know each other all over again..Thank you so much for sharing all I have missed with me--we have so much to catch up on!