Saturday, November 25, 2006

We've gone digital

That's right, the Bennetts have gone and gotten themselves a digital camera. God bless those after Thanksgiving sales. After Blitz shopping and a little relaxation we decided that it was time to put up our tree. Last year I was left alone to put up a 7 1/2 foot tall artificial tree by myself, telling my husband that just for making me do that he was responsible for putting it up this year alone. I meant to stick to that, but didn't. I'm such a softy. Oh well, we can't all be mean, I leave that to him. My nut. Pictured left, you see him how he usually is, topless, yet he doesn't want everyone else to know. How bizarre is that?

Once we finally got it all put together it was time for my favorite part, DECORATING. Sierra-Lynn helped us last year, but I don't think that she really got it, this year, however, she had lots of fun. She would have had more, but daddy was being a butt, thus bringing on a Bennett-fit (our name for her tantrums). Of course you would throw a fit too if every time you went near the tree to put on an ornament someone was yelling at you, letting you know that, according to them, you were doing it wrong.

When the dust settled (figuratively speaking) we were finally able to get back to the fun of getting the house ready for the holidays. Last year at a yard sale I found this adorable mother/daughter ornament. Its a two part ornament that is magnetic, Sierra helped me put it up and was amazed that it "stuck together" as she put it. Its got little mice on it that are gardening and it has 2002 on it (the year she was born). What do you think of the outfit she in? Its another thing that I made for her, a birthday present this year.

We finally got the last of the ornaments (as of now we could add more) up on the tree and were now ready to put up the Angel/North Star. After five minutes of talking Sierra-Lynn out of her room, she and her daddy put the topper on the tree. Isn't it beautiful. The presents are tucked under the bed waiting patiently for the chance to go under the tree, well all of them except my camera and the blanket that I made for her, I also made one for her cousin. She talked me into giving it to her early, isn't it pretty? She doesn't really need it on her bed, so it hangs on her wall, it goes well with the bedding set that I made her last year (blanket, pillow sham and canopy).

Isn't Christmas a wonderful time of the year? I sure think so. My only wish is that everyone has someone to spend the holidays with. I know that some people have no one. My Uncle David is one of those people. His girlfriend broke up with him two years ago on Valentine's Day and he has been alone ever since. I may just get to see him this Christmas though. He said that he might come up while his work is closed this year. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I miss him a lot. He was the one that taught me how to drive and took me to church where I was saved. He's one of a kind. No matter what the rest of the family thinks. Hey, they don't really care for me either.

I'm not a picture perfect carbon copy of my sister. Thank the Lord for that, I have no desire to be like her. She does drugs and steals and sleeps around. I do love her, but I don't agree with her life style. I pray for her to find peace and happiness. If somehow she finds this, I want to say that I love you Missie and I always have. I have missed you these last three years and all you have to do is leave a comment with contact info and I will get back to you.
I gotta go to bed now, I'm still trying to recoup the sleep I lost on Friday. Til next time.

1 comment:

Juli said...

Mark was shirtless??? I would never have known with those strategically placed branches :) I love your tree...I love Christmas. Tanner loved Sierra-Lynn's Card and was telling me all about how waterfalls work. Because he is four...and knows everything.